- Express server integrated with grunt tasks
- Livereload of client and server files
- Support for Jade and CoffeeScript
- Easy deployment workflow.
- Optional MongoDB integration
- Optional Passport integration for adding user accounts
- MEAN stack starter project, customized for family launch page.
- Based on the bootstrap 3.0 carousel example.
- Added to mongoose api that connects to mongo for some example data viz.
After cloning, assuming you have the tools downloaded as outlined on http://mean.io, run the following.
Download the npm packages:
npm install
Download the bower libraries:
bower install
Start monogo: mongod &
To start in dev mode: grunt serve
To start in production/minified mode: grunt serve:dist
For prod when using start.sh, run the above command first and then cancel out of... something up with build...
Install forever: npm install forever
To start as daemon on port 80 (as root), build with grunt, then run: ./start.sh
Stop daemon: ./stop.sh
Trying out forever-service, so that the app starts after system restart, pretty cool! Now working on getting shippable to build and deploy automatically.
'npm install -g forever-service' 'forever-service install houstyIO -e "PORT=80 NODE_ENV=production" -s dist/server.js'