THE LEARN REPO orders technology stories by editor determined subject matter and community determined time reading created. It is an open source lever within the HackerNoon Story Classification System.
- artificial-intelligence - These stories include everything from machine learning development and deep learning to general AI and AI ethics. Also check out the AI newsletter & the daily machine learning podcast.
- blockchain - Public ledger > private database. Blockchains are to finance what the Internet is to Communications. Also check out the web3 newsletter & the daily web3 podcast.
- business - Businesses are the lifeblood of the economy, but also the reason why people like exist. For all your AirBnBs and WeWorks, but also the entrpreneuers that make them. Also check out the business newsletter & the daily business podcast.
- companies - "When I grow up, I want to be a stock ticker," said no start-up ever. If it has a strict dress code, is located in a skyscrapper, and involves excel sheets and finance, then it probably belongs here. Also check out the tech companies newsletter & the daily tech companies podcast.
- cryptocurrency - Cryptocurrencies have emerged as the biggest use-case of Blockchains. They're shiny. They're messy. Most of them are just noise but quite a few of them are the tickets to building generational wealth #NFA #DYOR Also check out the web3 newsletter & the daily web3 podcast.
- cybersecurity - Online security isn't a topic for nerds alone. It should matter to us all. Also check out the cybersecurity newsletter & the daily cybersecurity podcast).
- data-science - The stories that teach us about data, where to get it, and how to use it for our benefit. Also check out the data-science newsletter & the daily data-science podcast.
- decentralization - Decentralization used to mean breaking up companies deemed too big to fail. On the information superhighway, there are salespeople advocating for decentralized ownership of your dog!! If that's not your cup of tea, maybe check out the web3, metaverses, DeFi, and all those crazy jargons we've come up on Adderall (allegedly). Also check out the web3 newsletter & the daily web3 podcast.
- finance - Hey, there's nothing to be ashamed about. Everyone struggles with money. But you can read these stories to learn about all about money, like investing, lending, borrowing and credit. Also check out the finance newsletter & the daily finance podcast.
- futurism - A collection of revolutionary technologies that are resolutely setting the course for both the near- and long-term future of human civilizations. Also check out the futurism newsletter & the daily futurism podcast.
- life-hacking - Take a breather. Stock up on valuable tips and tricks for leading a fulfilling and well-balanced life in all personal and professional areas. Also check out the life hacking newsletter & the daily life hacking podcast.
- media - The stories that talk about the media industry, the media landscape, and the media business. Also check out the media newsletter & the daily media podcast.
- product-management - The stories that talk about product management, product development, and product design. Also check out the product management newsletter & the daily product management podcast.
- programming - Code. Sleep. Repeat. Lifelong Reads for the ones who breathe code. Also check out the programming newsletter & the daily programming podcast.
- remote-work - These stories demonstrate how much the global labor market has changed as a result of the rapidly growing popularity of remote and hybrid work. Also check out the remote work newsletter & the daily remote work podcast.
- science - Ready to be the next Einstein? Read these stories to brush up on your knowledge of science and all the subjects they may entail. Also check out the science newsletter & the daily science podcast.
- society - "The key to organizing an alternative society is to organize people around what they can do, and more importantly, what they want to do." - Abbie Hoffman. Also check out the tech society newsletter & the daily tech society podcast.
- software-development - Here's to the ones who see things differently. The creators. The builders. The ones who make the impossible happen on a screen. Also check out the programming newsletter & the daily programming podcast.
- startups - Even Amazon got its begininng as a startup. Read these stories to learn all about startups, startup culture, funding, growth, and long-term plans of startups. Also check out the startups newsletter & the daily startups podcast.
- teamwork - There is no 'i' in team. Only 't', 'e', 'a' and 'm'. Frodo wouldn't have made it to Mount Doom on his own, and neither would you. We all need someone to help us achieve greatness, and that's where teamwork comes in. Also check out the management newsletter & the daily tech management podcast.
- technology - Tech continues to evolve at a scary, fast pace. Stay up to date on all the latest tech, read about upcoming tech, and learn how tech is affecting the world around you. Also check out the tech stories newsletter & the daily tech stories podcast.
- video-games - Why don't you take a break from playing video games to check notes read articles about video games. Read how-tos, guides, and listicles and everything in between. Also check out the gaming newsletter & the daily gaming podcast.
- writing - The best way to grow as a writer is to read. Grow even more by reading all of the fantastic tips and tricks that the HackerNoon community has to offer. Also check out the writing newsletter & the daily writing podcast.