
Generate your personal LeetCode website with one command!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

LeetCode Site Generator

Generate your personal LeetCode website with one command!


  • For this fork, it uses hugo static site generator to generate the site
    • hugo server to preview locally

Publishing to GitLab

  • Copy packages/hugo-site to a temporary directroy
  • git init and add gitlab repo
  • git push to automatically trigger gitlab ci to generate gitlab page
  • Refer to pacakges/hugo-site/.gitlab-ci.yml for details

Example Website




  • Make sure you have the recent version of node.js installed.
  • yarn(optional), you can use npm.


  • Support both leetcode.com and leetcode-cn.com accounts.


yarn global add leetcode-site-generator or npm i -g leetcode-site-generator


  1. Run installation script: leetcode-site init, This will create a project called leet-site-base on your current directory.
  2. Go to the website directory of leet-site-base, run yarn download. It will open a popup window and ask you to input your LeetCode username and password. login
  3. Waiting for downloading process finished, then run yarn & yarn start.

Publish to Github pages

  1. Change the following keys in siteConfig.js
 const siteConfig = {
   // ...
   url: 'https://beizhedenglong.github.io', // Your website URL
   baseUrl: '/leetcode-site-generator/', // Base URL for your project
   projectName: 'leetcode-site-generator', // Your project name
   organizationName: 'beizhedenglong', // Your github username
   // ...
  1. Run GIT_USER=<your github username> CURRENT_BRANCH=master USE_SSH=true yarn run publish-gh-pages

List of commands

Usage: leetcode-site [options] [command]

  -V, --version       output the version number
  -h, --help          output usage information

  download [options]  Download your new accepted code from LeetCode.
  init                Generate your personal LeetCode website.
  login               Log in to your Leetcode account.
  logout              Log out of current account.


Usage: download [options]

Download your new accepted code from LeetCode.

  -a, --all   Download all your accepted code from LeetCode.
  -h, --help  output usage information