
A dynamic "mock + proxy" server and client mocker, Mock ajax datas, or proxy to real server, or mock browser preview data。

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A dynamic "mock + proxy" server and client mocker.

Please see the sample usage source code.

image image

Live demos

git clone https://github.com/hzsrc/dynamic-mocker.git
cd dynamic-mocker
npm install

# mock & proxy
npm run mock

#proxy:  http://localhost:8037 => https://localhost
npm run proxy80

npm run static


1. install

npm i dynamic-mocker -D


yarn add dynamic-mocker --dev

2. configuration

Make a mock directory, and copy the mock-config.js into it.
Make a root directory as the root of mock files.

3. configuration


const config = {
	mockEnabled: true,
	mockPath: ['mock/root', 'mock/root-old'], //模拟文件根目录
	proxyTarget: 'http://your-backend-server.com', //后台接口服务地址(代理目标),为空表示不代理。可以是个函数:function(urlPart){} 
	isHttps: false, //是否https
	port: 8085, //端口
	checkPath: function (urlPath) { //urlPath校验函数,返回true表示需要进行mock处理,为false直接走代理
		return true
	beforeResponse: function (respData, req) { //数据返回前的回调钩子,respData包含status、headers、body属性
		respData.headers['access-control-allow-origin'] = req.headers['origin'] || req.headers['Origin'] || '';
        respData.headers['access-control-allow-credentials'] = 'true';
        respData.headers['access-control-allow-headers'] = req.headers['access-control-request-headers'] || req.headers['Access-Control-Request-Headers'] || '';
        respData.headers['access-control-max-age'] = '6000';
        respData.headers['access-control-allow-methods'] = 'PUT,POST,GET,DELETE,PATCH,OPTIONS';
        respData.headers['P3P'] = 'CP="CAO PSA OUR"';
	// samePreview: false,
	logData: true,
	// genClientJs: '../src/utils/mockClient.js',
module.exports = config;

Edit the mock-config.js options:


true - to enable all mocks


the root path[s] of mock files. String or array of string.


If there is no mock data file for a url request, the http pipe will be reversely proxied to this target server. If this is empty, then won't proxy. string or Function(urlPart)


true - for https


Port of the mock server


A function to check a url which needs to mock or not. eg:

function (urlPath) {
    return urlPath.match(/\/api\//);


A function to do customized job before responding.respData contains [status、headers、body] properties. eg:

function (respData, req) {
        respData.headers['access-control-allow-origin'] = req.headers['origin'] || req.headers['Origin'] || '';
        respData.headers['access-control-allow-credentials'] = 'true';
        respData.headers['access-control-allow-headers'] = req.headers['access-control-request-headers'] || req.headers['Access-Control-Request-Headers'] || '';
        respData.headers['access-control-max-age'] = '6000';
        respData.headers['access-control-allow-methods'] = 'PUT,POST,GET,DELETE,PATCH,OPTIONS';
        respData.headers['P3P'] = 'CP="CAO PSA OUR"';


String type. To generate a js file for client preview, like: '../client_preview/src/utils/mockClient.js'. Then you can import this js for client preview, which means run your webpages without backend apis, just with mock datas.


default: false, ignore all disabled and mockEnabled option while client preview. true - do not ignore


default: false. true - print mock data while client preview.

4. Add script to package.json

"scripts": {
    "mock": node -e "require('dynamic-mocker').start('./mock/mock-config.js')"

5. Start mock server

npm run mock

6. Create js files for dynamic-mocker in the mock/root directory

Simple js file:

// dynamic-mocker use json eval mode, but not JSON.parse
module.exports = {
	disabled: 0,
    delay: 1000, // delay ms to response
	status: 200,
	"headers": {
		"server": "dynamic-mocker",
		"set-cookie": "foo=bar; path=/",
		"cache-control": "no-cache"
	"body": {
		"status": 0,
		"obj": {
			"cfg": {
				"o": {
					"buttons": [
							"id": 1,
							"title": "按钮1"
							"id": 2,
							"title": "按钮2"
		"msg": ""

Js file with functions:

module.exports = {
    disabled: 0,
    body: function (query, post, header, request) {
        //output log in the node console
        console.log('post data: ' + post)

        //use queryString in url
        //use key word 'this', which point to the yaml root object
        if (query.id == '1') return ok(this.case_1);

        //use http postData
        if (post && post.type == 'test') return ok(this.case_2);

        //use http headers
        if (header["content-type"] == "text/txt") return ok("Hello,txt")

        //use request info
        return ok({default: 'no data', url: request.url})

        function ok(d) {
            return {status: 0, data: d}
    case_1: {
        id: 1,
        b: 2
    case_2: {
        a: 3,
        b: "test"

Another js:

module.exports = {
    disabled: 0,
    status: 200,
    headers: function (query, post, header, request) {
        var r = {}
        if (post.rememberPwd && this.checkFn(post, header)) {
            process._cookiev = 'a=b' + (+new Date);
            r['set-cookie'] = process._cookiev + '; Max-Age=30000; path=/';
        else {
            process._cookiev = '';
            r['set-cookie'] = process._cookiev + '; Max-Age=0; path=/';
        return r;
    body: function (query, post, header, request) {
        return {
            status: this.checkFn(post, header) ? 0 : 1,
            data: '', returnValue: 'token-xxxxxxx',
            msg: '用户名密码错误'
    checkFn: function (post, header) {
        if (post.password == '123456' || post.password == '') return true;

        if (post.useRemembered && post.password == '_fakepwd') {
            var cookie = header['Cookie'] || header['cookie'];
            return cookie && cookie.indexOf(process._cookiev) > -1

Mock client

Mock data to run app in browser, using the same mock-data files.


Once your run dynamic-mocker server in webpack or nodejs, you will get a mockClient.js in the same directory of the dynamic-mocker config file.

- mock
-- root
-- mock-config.js
-- mockClient.js

You only need to import this js file into your app.js entry file, then all the ajax request datas will be mocked if necessary.
(You can import this module with a condition such as a command argument, by js-conditional-compile-loader)

/* IFTRUE_isDemo */
import '../../mock/mockClient'
/* FITRUE_isDemo */

And you can toggle the ajax mode, by mock data or real api data.

import dMockClient from 'dynamic-mocker/lib/client.js'

if (needMock) {
} else {