simple expense manager for couples
Create a shared account with your partner and add your expenses there. App will tell you who should pay next.
You can also create a personal account and see how much you are spending altogether.
Right now, I am working on MVP features, so that I can use it. Some data need to be created manually.
- user can register
- user can login
- user can logout
- user can add account
- user can invite another user to shared account
- user can see accounts in dashboard
- user can add new expense from dashboard
- user can manage buckets for accounts
- user can see spent-this-month stats in dashboard
- user can see buckets' spent-this-month stats in dashboard
- user can see who-should-pay-next in dashboard for shared accounts (and how much they need to pay for others)
- user can see list of expenses for current/any month
- user can see list of expenses for any time range
- user can edit and remove expenses
- user can see account's stats and graphs
- Icon made by animals from
See LICENSE file.