Kiss-somethingsomethingstatic ============================= An experimental KISS repository with goal of providing a fully working statically linked enviroment. We also aim to use more minimal tools, whenever such tools are a viable option. Overview -------- Everything in this repo *should* build statically, but see issues for possible exceptions. All packages should have the appropriate flags/configurations in their buildscript, so no user interactions is needed at all. Also worth noting: This repo will only serve as a base, and if you wish to use this repo for anything remotely usefull, youll need to figure out how to include the neccessary shared libs, for i.e. mesa, llvm etc, while still building static binaries. Contributions ------------- Contributions are welcomed. If something isnt working, or something comes to mind, feel free to create an issue, or a PR. Links ----- If you happen to like the idea of a statically built system. You may wish to check out some similar project aswell: [0] [1] [2] (fork of morpheus linux)