
Summon provider for AWS Secrets Manager

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Summon provider for AWS Secrets Manager


Use the auto-install script. This will install the latest version of summon-aws-secrets. The script requires sudo to place summon-aws-secrets in /usr/local/lib/summon.

curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cyberark/summon-aws-secrets/master/install.sh | bash

Otherwise, download the latest release and extract it to the directory /usr/local/lib/summon.

Variable IDs

Variable IDs are used as identifiers for fetching Secrets. These are made up of a secret name (required) and secret key path (optional).

The format used is my/secret/name#mysecretkeypath, where #mysecretkeypath is optional and only relevant when the value returned by my/secret/name alone is valid JSON.

secret name (required)

This is the AWS secret name, which must be ASCII letters, digits, or any of the following characters: /_+=.@-

secret key path (optional)

The secret key path to access arbitrarily nested values inside secrets stored as valid JSON.


Example Secret JSON in aws:

  "user-1": "password-1",
  "user-2": "password-2",
  "user-3": "password-3"

Use of summon-aws-secrets without secret key path:

$ summon-aws-secrets prod/aws/iam/user/robot/access_key_id
{ "user-1": "password-1", "user-2": "password-2", "user-3": "password-3"}

Use of summon-aws-secrets with secret key path:

$ summon-aws-secrets prod/aws/iam/user/robot/access_key_id#user-2

Usage in isolation

Give summon-aws-secrets a variable ID and it will fetch it for you and print the value to stdout.

$ # Configure in similar fashion to AWS CLI see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-getting-started.html
$ summon-aws-secrets prod/aws/iam/user/robot/access_key_id


summon-aws-secrets supports a single flag.

  • -v, --version Output version number and quit

Usage as a provider for Summon

Summon is a command-line tool that reads a file in secrets.yml format and injects secrets as environment variables into any process. Once the process exits, the secrets are gone.


As an example let's use the env command:

Following installation, define your keys in a secrets.yml file

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: !var aws/iam/user/robot/access_key_id
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: !var aws/iam/user/robot/secret_access_key

By default, summon will look for secrets.yml in the directory it is called from and export the secret values to the environment of the command it wraps.

Wrap the env in summon:

$ # Configure in similar fashion to AWS CLI see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-getting-started.html
$ summon --provider summon-aws-secrets env

summon resolves the entries in secrets.yml with the AWS Secrets Manager provider and makes the secret values available to the environment of the command env.


This provider uses the same configuration pattern as the AWS CLI to connect to AWS.