This is my portfolio website, created using pure HTML, CSS, JavaScript and deployed with GitHub Pages. No framework and No external deployment platform needed. Integrated Three.js for 3D animated background, responsive for different user's devices
- 17sdheeraj
- 77-dy
- Aafak18
- ansht9
- Bharath-tarsBluOrigin Media
- Cap043
- gauravgupta364
- gracious7
- gyanaranjansBIXI
- Harinisrinivassan
- Janvi-Chandra
- kashaffshoukat
- kchitizshukla
- na-klaus
- nithinpawar10
- nphatcampcode
- numairbaigpakistan
- ppppppsmashJapan
- pradeepthsjainBangalore
- prathamxx
- pro-utkarshMSPEC- NITH
- Raheemshah2809United Kingdom
- ReyKan-KPIndian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City
- saichandan181
- Santhosh-Seyfert
- SGCODEXDelhi Technical Campus
- shangeethAlex
- ShivaArya1Australia
- smcnab1@UWLSimulationCentre
- Sopheap009
- subhashrgowda
- Suetyan23
- thakresakshiPune
- tuanductran@vnodesign
- tuanhung-public
- virajchandra51India