Based on vue2.x flexible table components.
API & Examples(如果访问不了说明被墙了,我也很无奈......)
- Adaptive, you can automatically adapt to the browser window changes
- Fixed column, header fixed
- Support column width drag
- Supports single field sorting and multiple field sorting
- Custom columns, custom cell styles
- Loading effects, custom loading, etc
- Own paging component
- Cell Editing
- Support cell merge (colSpan and rowSpan)
- Support checkbox selection
- Footer summary
- Export excel
- Export PDF
- Conditional filter
- Row expansion
- Vertical column drag
npm install vue-easytable --save-dev
more usage)
Usage(// import css
import 'vue-easytable/libs/themes-base/index.css'
// import table and pagination comp
import {VTable,VPagination} from 'vue-easytable'
// Register to global
Vue.component(, VTable)
Vue.component(, VPagination)
also you can use it by cdn
Adaptive、Fixed column, header fixed、Support column width drag、Custom columns, custom cell styles、Own paging component
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