
Example node.js CRUD API applying Clean architecture principles. Sites, Groups, Rankings

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Clean Node API

An illustrative node.js API attempting to apply clean principles to separate business logic with technologies.

Application Structure

Overview of application structure

============= INNER LAYER =====================================================================
validators                // validators of payloads
  L site                
    L index.js            // consistent API validator throws error when invalid and returns payload when valid
    L imperative.js       // hand-rolled validators not using library (for basic validation)
    L validate.js         // external library more advanced validation can switch out imperative 
  L group                 // follows site structure
  L ranking               // follows site structure
  L validatejs            // external library helpers shared across other validate.js files

models                    // create new entity by validating payload and returning new read only object 
  L site
    L index.js            // model to make site object. requires validation, normalises and returns object
    L index.spec.js       // tests makeSite()
  L group                 // follows site structure
  L ranking               // follows site structure

db                        // db connection and adapter
  L memory                // in memory JSON. used for seeding our tests and other DBs
    L sites.js            // see DB schema diagram         
    L groups.js           // see DB schema diagram
    L groups_sites.js     // see DB schema diagram
    L rankings.js         // see DB schema diagram
  L pg                    // db connection for pg
    L migrations          // knex migrations folder
    L seeds               // knex seed files (import from memory)
      L development
    L knex.js             // knex config and environment boilerplate setup

============= MIDDLE LAYER =====================================================================
data-access               // think of it as our internal ORM (logic for our use-cases lies here)
  L sites-db           
    L index.js            // other controllers and drivers rely on this API (findSite, listSites, addSite)
    L index.spec.js       // test APIs. Important to have in order to safely switch out db
    L memory              // in memory
      L index.js          // expose the memory implementation
      L serializer.js     // serializes to DB specific properties
    L pg                  // pg implementation of sites-db API, must pass same tests as memory db      
  L groups-db             // follows site structure
  L rankings-db           // follows site structure

============= OUTER LAYER =====================================================================
  L webserver             // express webserver
    L routes
      L index.js          // routes paths
      L sites.js          // requires our data-access sites-db
      L groups.js         // TODO: per above
      L rankings.js       // TODO: 
    L server.js           // express server and boilerplate
    L server.integrationspec.js // integration test using axios to test live API no mocks
    L setup
      L http-setup.js     // test helper for our server to start and close a server on config port

DB Schema

Overview of database schema. Follows RDBMS db overview