Vistapath Challenge Back End

Details concerning the project in general and the front end are available in the front end repo's wiki, available here:

Instructions for running

  1. Install and start an instance of mongodb on your local machine. The community edition is sufficient. You can find instructions here. If you would like additional help, feel free to watch my video tutorial available here.
  2. Create a .env file in the root directory with the following values:
MONGO_URI=[Your mongo URI, can be found by running "mongo" in your terminal, e.g. mongodb://]
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=[I should have emailed this to you. Ask if you do not have it]
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET=[I should have emailed this to you. Ask if you do not have it]

You are of course welcome to create your own AWS S3 bucket and use your own ID and secret. Instructions for doing so are available here.

If your front end is running on a port other than 3000, make sure to update your environment variable.

  1. Install dependencies with yarn install or npm install.
  2. Start the server with yarn start or npm run start.

Instructions for testing

  1. After installing dependencies, run tests with yarn test or npm run test.