
A personal project that tracks whether or not my mic is active.

Primary LanguageGo


OnAir is an application that monitors microphone activity and Discord mute/unmute states to determine whether or not I am speaking into my microphone. If I'm "on air" then a physical "on air" sign lights up. This is to solve a very specific problem but feel free to peruse.

How it Functions

There are two parts of OnAir: a server and a client. Communication between the two are done via RPC calls.

The client is responsible for:

  • Periodically capturing microphone input and checking if that input actually contains any audio data (checking to see if my physical mic is muted).
  • Receiving VoiceStateUpdate events from the Discord API to check whether or not I have muted or unmuted myself in the Discord client itself.
  • Sending my 'mute/unmuted' state to an OnAir server in accordance with the aforementioned client responsiblities.

The server, which runs on a Raspberry Pi Zero, is setup to receive a "speaking" value. If that value is true, the server will then send a 'power on' signal to this IoT relay that a physical "on air" sign is plugged into. If I'm on air then the sign will receive power and thus light up.


I would be super surprised if anyone else got any use out of this thing but maaaaaybe* someone might want to run this on their personal computer.

Client Prereqs

  • A Windows host. There is Windows specific code in here. I'd have to put in a little bit of work to make this run on macOS or Linux.
  • Golang over v1.11 installed.
  • GCC installed on said Windows host. This project relies on malgo and that project relies on cgo.

If you need to install golang or gcc, then I highly recommend using scoop to do so.


To build inside PowerShell,

go mod vendor
go build


go build -o onair_server ./server/server.go


OnAir requires a configuration file to run.

That configuration file is located at: ~/AppData/Local/OnAir/config.toml

So you'll need to make that directory and create a configuration file that is similar to the config.example.toml file included with this repository.

Pin Out

The server uses gobot to write out to the pin that is sending the input signal to the IoT relay and I'm hardcoding to physical pin 7 in the server code.

If you're building this at home, then the pinout of the Raspberry Pi is pretty easy to verify using pinout.xyz.


Start the server on the Raspi,

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ./onair_server
INFO[0000] Server started.
INFO[0060] Speaking detected.
INFO[0062] Speaking detected.

In another console tab,

onair master *% $ .\onair.exe
time="2019-01-21T20:26:37-08:00" level=info msg="Last known Discord muted/unmuted state: Unmuted."
time="2019-01-21T20:27:39-08:00" level=info msg="Muted on Discord."

If you want to run OnAir on your windows host on boot then you might want to look into nssm. However, if you're using nssm you'll need to set the $HOME directory to your natural $HOME for the generated service.


I'm almost always in a Discord channel when I'm playing video games. The sign helps my girlfriend know when our conversations might be listened to if she walks up and starts talking to me. Also, it'll help me keep track of whether or not I'm on air.