
A sample of SDK using sdkzer

Primary LanguageTypeScript

sdkzer SDK sample

Here an example of SDK using sdkzer

Note that this is just an example and in order to see the syncing working you need a working REST api with 3 endpoints: /users /posts / comments. This repository is only intended as a demo on you how to use sdkzer.

How to use
  1. Install the this package as dependency: yarn add sdkzer-sdk-sample
  2. Start using the SDK, example:
import {User, Post, Comment} from "sdkzer-sdk-sample"

const user = new User();
user.attr('name', 'Chuck Norris');
user.attr('email', 'employee@mycompany.com');
if (user.isOwnEmployee()) {
  console.log(`${user.attr('name')} is an internal employee`);

if (user.validate() && user.isValid()) {
  await user.save();
  console.log(`${user.attr('name')} is ${user.isNew() ? 'a non existing record': 'an existing record'`);

const commentsOfUser = Comment.fetchIndexByUser(user.attr('id'));
const commentsToday = commentsOfUser.filter(comment => comment.isToday());

For more information about the complete API refer to sdkzer docs.