
about decode and encode

Closed this issue · 4 comments

wonderful work!

i have build it in codeblock and its work well

translate dbc in c with helpful depack


i have find many encoder and decoder function with only definition

i may make it work with writing down my implementation? or maybe implementation in feature?

Best regards

Hi! Thanks! I'm not quite sure what you mean? Can you show me an example?

You can always work on your fork on a feature, and if it's sensible I can merge it back in. It might turn out that it's too specific too your situation.
Thanks again!

Hi! thanks for reply

for example

In DBC file

BO_ 513 Bms_Cell_Limit_Volt_Info: 8 Vector__XXX
SG_ BmsMaxCellVolt : 7|16@0+ (0.001,0) [0|65.535] "V" TBOX_EV
SG_ BmsMaxVoltCellNum : 23|8@0+ (1,0) [0|255] "" TBOX_EV
SG_ BmsMaxVoltModNum : 31|8@0+ (1,0) [0|255] "" TBOX_EV
SG_ BmsMinCellVolt : 39|16@0+ (0.001,0) [0|65.535] "V" TBOX_EV
SG_ BmsMinVoltCellNum : 55|8@0+ (1,0) [0|255] "" TBOX_EV
SG_ BmsMinVoltModNum : 63|8@0+ (1,0) [0|255] "" TBOX_EV

with this project "BmsMinCellVolt" is convert to raw value in 0-65535

but the actual value of "BmsMinCellVolt" is 0.00 - 65.535 and end with "V" means 0.00V ~ 65.535V

this project can only decode in raw value

i may convert it to actual value in my own code?

or there is some way to automatic convert it?

Best regards


There was a bug where the scaling and offset functions were not being generated, if you get the latest code you should see that it has been fixed. The functions are called 'encode' and 'decode'.

Let me know if this fixes your problem,


thanks the problem has been fixed

Thanks again