- 1
Add C code generation for value lists
#37 opened by driftregion - 1
Feature request: Generating enum for Frame ID.
#46 opened by FZGabriel - 1
- 4
Generated code do not support extended messages
#45 opened by FZGabriel - 5
Long signal value generates invalid C code.
#44 opened by FZGabriel - 1
- 2
Hide breaking changes behind feature flag
#41 opened by howerj - 5
Can't get CM_ string when it has \".
#38 opened by takaite - 1
- 4
Best way to get message length
#39 opened by warrickw - 4
- 3
Decoding float signal: wrong type?
#35 opened by lorenzo-gi - 1
- 2
cannot decode messages that share same address
#32 opened by sume-cn - 3
suggest: about decode param type
#31 opened by chentyjpm - 2
- 1
dbcc.xsd not valid because of typo
#29 opened - 3
Plans for value lists?
#19 opened by martonmiklos - 1
- 4
- 1
why sig->start_bit <= 64 ?
#26 opened by chasedreamer - 1
size_t for message_count
#24 opened by martonmiklos - 4
- 5
- 4
Support for DBC float and double types?
#13 opened by karlding - 3
Translation to physical unit
#12 opened by xR3b0rn - 5
encode function have err
#7 opened by chentyjpm - 6
Byte order
#11 opened by xR3b0rn - 6
C-Code generation multiplexing
#9 opened by xR3b0rn - 1
C-Code generation signal range check
#8 opened by xR3b0rn - 3
fix_start_bit possible bug
#1 opened by FrancescoScappatura - 4
about decode and encode
#5 opened by chentyjpm - 4
- 1
Unused code generation when message length is 0
#2 opened by izcet