
Write Events/Errors using select

howeyc opened this issue · 9 comments

This is a request that came up earlier that I almost forgot about. Creating issue so I remember.

Desire is to have the library send events/errors using select so that the receiving application can be monitoring the channels without the use of a separate goroutine.

What would this look like? Same channels/API just without requiring a goroutine?

On Sep 4, 2013 12:14 PM, "Nathan Youngman" wrote:

What would this look like? Same channels/API just without requiring a

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Chime in for the os/notify API:

I'm not sure what makes this single thread unfriendly? Why can't I do something like:

func main() {
  // create watcher
  for {
    select {
      case <-w.Events:
        // do stuff
      case <-w.Errors:
        // handle error
      case <-sig:
        // signal received, probably quit

See for one issue when using code very similar to what you presented.

If you want to take a closer look on multiple platforms, please report your findings at

Right. I suppose this is only an issue on some platforms (old linux? I saw some mentioning of the lowest linux denominator being too low to stop this from happening). Anyway, I'll run it in a separate goroutine for the time being and monitor this space. I'd love to be able to safely use it in single-threaded mode. As it stands, it's not very obvious one needs to do this goroutine trick. Thanks for the update!

At GopherCon India last month, Alan Shreve gave a talk on Principles of designing Go APIs with channels which i thought might be relevant for this issue in FSNotify since I too had to puzzle through the sources to check if it's using blocking channels... Specifically An API that sends an unbounded stream of values into a channel must document how it behaves for slow consumers

@srinathh Thanks for the tip. Now that the videos are up, I'll be sure to watch that talk.

Is this still an issue? golang/go#8282 (comment)

If so, what would be the non-racey way of doing this?