
Python extension module xxtea

Primary LanguageC

xxtea travis-badge pypi-badge

XXTEA implemented as a Python extension module, licensed under 2-clause BSD.

The XXTEA algorithm takes a 128-bit key and operates on an array of 32-bit integers (at least 2 integers), but it doesn't define the conversions between bytes and array. Due to this reason, many XXTEA implementations out there are not compatible with each other.

In this implementation, the conversions between bytes and array are taken care of by longs2bytes and bytes2longs. PKCS#7 padding is also used to make sure that the input bytes are padded to multiple of 4-byte (the size of a 32-bit integer) and at least 8-byte long (the size of two 32-bit integer, which is required by the XXTEA algorithm). As a result of these measures, you can encrypt not only texts, but also any binary bytes of any length.


$ pip install xxtea -U


This module provides four functions: encrypt(), decrypt(), encrypt_hex(), and decrypt_hex().

Python 2:

>>> import os
>>> import xxtea
>>> key = os.urandom(16)  # Key must be a 16-byte string.
>>> s = "xxtea is good"
>>> enc = xxtea.encrypt(s, key)
>>> dec = xxtea.decrypt(enc, key)
>>> s == dec
>>> hexenc = xxtea.encrypt_hex(s, key)
>>> hexenc
>>> s == xxtea.decrypt_hex(hexenc, key)
>>> enc.encode('hex') == hexenc

Python 3:

>>> import os
>>> import xxtea
>>> import binascii
>>> key = os.urandom(16)  # Key must be a 16-byte string.
>>> s = b"xxtea is good"
>>> enc = xxtea.encrypt(s, key)
>>> dec = xxtea.decrypt(enc, key)
>>> s == dec
>>> hexenc = xxtea.encrypt_hex(s, key)
>>> hexenc
>>> s == xxtea.decrypt_hex(hexenc, key)
>>> binascii.hexlify(enc) == hexenc

encrypt_hex() and decrypt_hex() operate on ciphertext in a hexadecimal representation. They are exactly equivalent to:

Python 2:

>>> hexenc = xxtea.encrypt(s, key).encode('hex')
>>> s == xxtea.decrypt(hexenc.decode('hex'), key)

Python 3:

>>> hexenc = binascii.hexlify(xxtea.encrypt(s, key))
>>> s == xxtea.decrypt(binascii.unhexlify(hexenc), key)

Catching Exceptions

It is possible to throw a ValueError or a TypeError during calling decrypt() and decrypt_hex(). Better to catch them, or your program would exit.

>>> from __future__ import print_function
>>> import xxtea
>>> def try_catch(func, *args, **kwargs):
...     try:
...         func(*args, **kwargs)
...     except Exception as e:
...         print(e.__class__.__name__, ':', e)
>>> try_catch(xxtea.decrypt, '', key='')
ValueError : Need a 16-byte key.
>>> try_catch(xxtea.decrypt, '', key=' '*16)
ValueError : Invalid data, data length is not a multiple of 4, or less than 8.
>>> try_catch(xxtea.decrypt, ' '*8, key=' '*16)
ValueError : Invalid data, illegal PKCS#7 padding. Could be using a wrong key.
>>> try_catch(xxtea.decrypt_hex, ' '*8, key=' '*16)
TypeError : Non-hexadecimal digit found
>>> try_catch(xxtea.decrypt_hex, 'abc', key=' '*16)
TypeError : Odd-length string
>>> try_catch(xxtea.decrypt_hex, 'abcd', key=' '*16)
ValueError : Invalid data, data length is not a multiple of 4, or less than 8.