
Fixes for the bugs introduced by CK2 v2.8 into the AGOT mod

Primary LanguageBatchfile


Version 2.8 of CK2 introduced a bug wherein character and dynasty ID values over a certain value (aprox. 1,000,000) fail to evaluate when using the dynasty and character scopes.

any_character = { # This scope will never evaluate to true.
limit = { character = 4242424 }
c_4242424 = { # Current preferred method


The following aspects of the A Game of Thrones submod are fixed by this submod:

  • Stark reveal event
  • Danny's eastern quest
  • HV culling
  • Targ coin flip for Targ cadet dynasties
  • Dynamic COA for cadet dynasties
  • House customizer
  • Some missing localisation

After extracing the top folder from the archive into your mod directory, run the setup.bat file contained within it.