
Demo for Oracle Linux Automation Manager on OCI

Primary LanguageHCL

Oracle Linux Automation Manager (OLAM) HOL


Oracle Linux Automation Manager (OLAM) is a task engine and Web interface based on AWX project for scheduling and running Ansible playbook tasks on the inventories the playbooks interact with. The Oracle Linux Automation Engine (Ansible Engine) is an automation tool for deploying software, configuring systems, and orchestrating tasks such as upgrades and updates, in the form of playbooks.

This lab covers the core functionalities of Oracle Linux Automation Manager.

Lab instructions

(a) Create a Gitlab project for OLAM

  1. Login to Gitlab with your allocated credentials.

  2. Reset the password.

  3. After logging in, press New Project and select Create blank project.


  4. Input Project name <user>-olam eg. user10-olam and press Create project. Uncheck the box for Initialize repository with a README.

  5. Go back to OCI Console. Access Code Editor.


  6. Open a new Terminal session.


  7. Configure git. Change the values accordingly.

    git config --global user.name "user10"
    git config --global user.name "user10@oracle.com"
    git config --global credential.helper store
  8. Clone the files for OLAM project

    git clone
  9. Push the files to your Gitlab project created previously.

    cd olam-hol/
    git remote rename origin old-origin
    git remote add origin <your repo url>
    git push -u origin --all
  10. Modify the compartment_name in the inventory.oci.yml file. Save it.


  11. Commit the change and push it to your repo.


(b) Provision a VM

  1. Type instances on the search bar of OCI Console and click on instances.

  2. Make sure you're in your own compartment. Eg. user10

  3. Press Create instance and apply the following config.

    • Name: webserver

    • Shape: VM.Standard.E4.Flex, 1 OCPU, 4GB RAM

    • Networking:

      • Virtual cloud network: Change the compartment to common_services and select common_svc_vcn
      • Subnet: Change the compartment to common_services and select public subnet-common_svc_vcn
    • SSH Key: Generate a key pair for me. Save private and public key.

    • Tagging:

      • Press Show advanced option
      • Tag key: app
      • Tag value: webserver
  4. Press Create.

(c) Set up OLAM Credentials

  1. Login to OLAM with your allocated credentials.


  2. On the left pane, press Credentials and press Add.

  3. We'll need to create 3 credentials for Source Control, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Machine.

    a. Source Control

    • Name: gitlab
    • Credential Type: Source Control
    • Username: <your gitlab username>
    • Password: <your gitlab password>

    b. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

    • Name: OCI
    • Credential Type: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
    • User OCID: ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaaa3lwy5xxkl3qtgkbbcnly3bdwaszrsasnn26akgdnh7d7mxh3va4q
    • Fingerprint: 90:6a:95:26:8a:a6:05:8d:9e:96:b7:26:a7:d2:93:e9
    • Tenant OCID: ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaaaekoeezags6xaw66xa7x7xqzqxisxk3m5yxlkthrw5fjhm6rx6sq
    • Region: ap-singapore-1
    • Private User Key:
      -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
      -----END PRIVATE KEY-----

    c. Machine

    • Name: SSH_Key
    • Username: opc
    • SSH Private Key: Drag the private key saved in section (b).
    • Privilege Escalation Method: sudo
    • Privilege Escalation Username: root

(d) Set up OLAM Project

  1. On the left pane, press Projects and press Add.

  2. Apply the following config and press Save.

    • Name: Webserver Config
    • Source Control Credential Type: Git
    • Source Control URL: <your gitlab repo URL>
    • Source Control Branch/Tag/Commit: main
    • Source Control Credential: gitlab

(e) Set up Inventories

  1. On the left pane, press Inventories and press Add, Add inventory.

  2. Apply the following config and press Save.

    • Name: OCI Instances
  3. On the details page, press Sources and press Add.

  4. Apply the following config and press Save.

    • Name: OCI
    • Source: Sourced from a Project
    • Credential: OCI
    • Inventory file: inventories/inventory.oci.yml
    • Update options: check Update on project update
  5. The inventory will be auto-synced. Press Hosts and you will see the webserver.

(f) Set up Template and run config tasks

  1. We will be creating 2 job template and a workflow template.

  2. On the left pane, press Templates and press Add, Add job template.

  3. Apply the following config and press Save.

    a. Check Linux Distribution

    • Name: Check Linux Distribution
    • Inventory: OCI Instances
    • Playbook: playbooks/check_distribution.yml
    • Credentials: SSH_Key
    • Options: check Privilege Escalation

    b. Install Packages

    • Name: Install Packages
    • Inventory: OCI Instances
    • Playbook: playbooks/main.yml
    • Credentials: SSH_Key
    • Variables:
      - httpd
      - telnet
      - curl
    - '80/tcp'
    - '8080/tcp'
    • Options: check Privilege Escalation
  4. On the Templates page, press Add, Add workflow template.

  5. Apply the following config and press Save.

    c. Config Webserver

    • Name: Config Webserver
  6. On the worklow template page, press Start, apply the following config and press Save.

    • Node Type: Job Template
    • Select Check Linux Distribution
  7. Hover to the Check Linux Distribution box, press the "plus" button to add another stage.


  8. Select On Success and press Next.

  9. Apply the following config and press Save.

    • Node Type: Job Template
    • Select Check Linux Distribution
  10. Press Save on the top right corner.

  11. On the details page, press Launch to run the config tasks.

  12. When the jobs are completed, key in the public IP address of the webserver to verify the config.
