
A simple ZX Spectrum Next Game

Primary LanguageAssemblyMIT LicenseMIT

SpecNext Invaders

Simple ZX Spectrum Next arcade game in Z80N assembly language for educational purposes.

A binary of the game is available at https://howprice.itch.io/specnext-invaders


  • Classic arcade action
  • Keyboard and joystick input
  • Hardware sprites
  • ULA text and destructible shield graphics
  • Mode 2 Line Interrupt handler
  • Hitbox collision detection
  • High-level game state machine
  • AY-3 sound effects and 'music'
  • 2 player logic
  • High score file saving/loading using esxDOS
  • Visual Studio Code project files to build, launch in emulators and copy to SD image file
  • Well commented code


The Z80N assembly language source code uses syntax compatible with the SjASMPlus Z80 Cross-Assembler (tested with v1.18.0).

Build from project root with with command line:

sjasmplus --fullpath --sld=bin/invaders.sld --lst=bin/invaders.lst --lstlab --sym=bin/invaders.labels --msg=war src/main.asm

build.bat is included for the convenience of Windows users.

Build from Visual Studio code Main Menu > Terminal > Run Build Task... (Ctrl+Shift+B)


Copy the bin/invaders.nex to the SD card used with your ZX Spectrum Next or open with an emulator such as #CSpect (tested with version V2.13.00).

Development Environment

Developed in Visual Studio Code with extensions:

Open project folder with File > Open Folder...

With thanks for information from:


Debug in Visual Studio Code with DeZog. Ensuring that the DeZog Plugin DLL is next to the CSpect.exe (see ./CSpect/_readme.txt).

launch.json is currently configured for DeZog version 2.0.3.

  • Launch CSpect with the -remote command line arg
    • Ctrl+P then type task CSpect
    • Select CSpect (no sound) to run at a nice smooth 60Hz frame rate, but with no sound
    • Select CSpect (sound) to run with sound, but compromising frame rate (this is an OpenAL issue which is on the CSpect roadmap)
    • Select CSpect (MMC) to run with an SD image card. See ./sd/readme.txt for more information
  • Or launch ZEsarUX similarly
  • Ctrl+Shift+D to open Debugging Side Bar
  • Select CSpect or ZEsarUX from the combo box at the top
  • Run > Start Debugging (F5)
  • If CSpect fails to start check cspect.log

See https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/debugging#_launch-configurations


  • Some DeZog features are only available through the Debug Console command line e.g. -sprites and -md (dump memory)

Thanks and attribution

SpecBong and Lucky Red Fish were extremely helpful getting started with ZX Spectrum Next development.


Thanks to Shiru for the AYFX Editor and player. Modified to support looping samples.

Recommended reading

  • http://z80-heaven.wikidot.com/advanced-math
  • "Z80 Assembly Language Subroutines" by Lance A. Leventhal and Winthrop Saville. The first few chapters are excellent for programmers who are familiar with high-level languages (C, C++, Python etc). It explains how to do everyday things such as loops, working with arrays and structures. Very succinctly written and a welcome change from 'beginners' books.
  • https://wikiti.brandonw.net/index.php?title=Z80_Optimization is a collection of lots of good standard programming patterns (retrieved 17 Nov 2020)

Z80 Coding Style and Conventions

  • Whitespace
    • Spaces, not tabs
    • Instructions indented 8 spaces
    • No space between oprands e.g. ld a,b
  • Naming conventions
    • Upper case assembler directives e.g. EQU, ORG, IF, ENDIF
    • Upper case constants e.g. MAGENTA EQU %011
    • Lower case operators (opcode mnemonics) and registers e.g. push hl
    • Function names UpperCamelCase and end with colon e.g. DrawScore:
      • Local helper functions can be lowerCamelCase to make it clear they are not part of the "public" API
    • Local labels start with .
    • Data labels (variable names) lowerCamelCase e.g. playerScore: DW 0
      • Addresses that contain addresses (i.e. pointers) should start with a 'p' e.g. pActivePlayer DW $0000
    • Struct names UpperCamelCase e.g. STRUCT InvaderBullet
  • Comments
    • Only use semi-colon
    • Capital register names in comments
    • No vertical space between comment above function and the function. Use single ; on last line if required (for VS Code intellisense)
    • Function comments should mark all input with =, output with <- and modified registers ; ; DE = address of addhend ; B <- sum ; Modifies: AF, BC, DE, HL ; sum: ...
  • Other
    • Use $ for hex literals e.g. ld hl,$4000