React Tag Manager

React Tag Manager is a React plugin for implementing tagging system easily with React.


  • Autocomplete
  • Dynamic creating/deleting


Getting Started

To use the tag manager plugin, include the react library, the JSX transformer, and the react-tag-manager library inside the tag of your HTML document:

  <script src='//'></script>
  <script src='//'></script>
  <script type="text/jsx" src='tag-manager.jsx'></script>    
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="tag-manager.css">

Tell tag manager what's the initial tags and options for autocomplete:

<script type="text/jsx">
    /** @jsx React.DOM */
    var tags = [
        { name: 'Jack', id: 1},
        { name: 'Betty', id: 2},
        { name: 'Kelly', id: 3},
    var tagOptions = [

        <TagManager tags={tags} tagOptions={tagOptions} />, 

We done! The live demo is here: Basic example


Usually you need to send an ajax or do some other things after user creating/deleting tags. Tag manager support this with callback functions in composition components.

Simply create your own component with callback functions for creating/deleting, and then render TagManager with JSX spread attributes.

/** @jsx React.DOM */

var MyCustomTagManager = React.createClass({
    addTagCallback: function(tagName, setStateCallback){
        alert('Add a tag! Maybe you should send an ajax!');
        setStateCallback({id: 99, name: tagName});

    removeTagCallback: function(tag){
        alert('Remove a tag! Maybe you should send an ajax!');
    render: function(){
            <TagManager {...this.props} addTagCallback={this.addTagCallback} removeTagCallback={this.removeTagCallback} />


To render the customized tag manager, it's the same as the original one:

/** @jsx React.DOM */

var tags = [
    { name: 'Jack', id: 1},
    { name: 'Betty', id: 2},
    { name: 'Kelly', id: 3},

var tagOptions = [

    <MyCustomTagManager tags={tags} tagOptions={tagOptions} />, 

The live demo is here: Custom tag manager example