
Used to map any combination key with your favorite one

Primary LanguageRust

My Project Journal



  • Key mapping
  • Listen for combination
  • Native app

  • listen to listen to keyboard events on a port (like socket)
  • grab to grab keyboard event globably
  • serialize to serialize event data

Couldn't run grab function

Encounter this error: Os { code: 13, kind: PermissionDenied, message: "Permission denied" } Resolved by add input and plugdev into current user's group. Reboot after change

  • deps: build-essential, pkg-config, libevdev-dev
sudo apt install -y libgtk-3-dev clang libxcb-randr0-dev libxdo-dev libxfixes-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev


Thanks @jersou for the setup solution: https://github.com/jersou/mouse-actions To use the main feature "grab event", you need to have the read&write permission on /dev/input/event*. Check the group of /dev/input/event* files :

ls -al /dev/input/event*
# > crw-rw---- 1 root input /dev/input/event5
#                     ^^^^^

You need to add the current user to this group, usually input or plugdev :

sudo usermod -a -G plugdev $USER
# or
sudo usermod -a -G input $USER

Furthermore, you must have the read&write permission on /dev/uinput, you can check with:

getfacl /dev/uinput
# ...
# user:<the current user>:rw-
# ...

If this permission is not available on the user, to add it temporary : sudo setfacl -m u:$USER:rw /dev/uinput or persistent :

sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/80-mouse-actions.rules <<<'KERNEL=="uinput", SUBSYSTEM=="misc", TAG+="uaccess", OPTIONS+="static_node=uinput"'

You need to restart your desktop session to apply these changes.

To check the user groups and the ACL after the session restart or the reboot:

$ groups
... input ...
$ getfacl /dev/uinput
# ...
# user:<the current user>:rw-
# ...


how to record combination keybind on global. We need some kind of keypress/keyrelease controller Enum EventType has KeyPress and KeyRelease. What can we do with it? Create vec[] of eventData that will be appended based on EventType:

  • EventType::KeyPress: append event into vec

  • EventType::KeyRelease: End of recording -> pop the according event At the end of the release state, if vec[] is empty then emit the action regards to the recorded combination

  • Restriction:

    • Only record a key that is not being pressed or a key that is already released.
    • Do not emit action while a key is pressed.
    • Only put on listening mode if a special key (control, shift, cmd) is pressed. Otherwise, ignore

Or let's reconsider: We just need to map Ctrl to Cmd. This is a hacky way but not the right way. Map one key will possible break different combination. eg: Control-Command-F: Use the app in full screen, if supported by the app. will become Command-Command-F

Create a mapper list

Record combination will reflect on that list to decide whether mapping or not. Use lazy_static for static global variables: https://docs.rs/lazy_static/1.4.0/lazy_static/

Rework logic

Need to rework how app record event:

  • When a key is pressed: two types of key 1. Special keys 2. Non-special keys - Special key means combination is coming -> we need to record it to map the combination. Only record one time - Non-special keys means: + if no special keys in front, it is single action so no record needed -> emit + otherwise -> record -> emit -> reset

Result of this new logic: Mapped and unmapped hotkeys work well except for ones that are not managed under applications but the operation system, eg: Meta key, Alt tab,... Reason: I did not dig too deep into the problem but (i could be wrong) my guess was the simulate() of the rdev couldn't simulate "window-level" events. I visit different repos like rustdust and they use the forked repo. After the trial with new library, the above issue was fixed. But apparently the library has a lot of refactors, so most of my previous work needs to be refactored as well.

  • For example: grab feature is reworked. From my best understanding, this feature is now more leaning toward sockets use case. We need to have a socket open to have grab loop opens.

Event flow from rustdust: on_connected -> start_grab_loop -> start_grab_listen -> on key press/release: process_event

Incompatible Problem: start_grab_loop does not loop itself like grab used to be. So the listener ends right away. Resolution: use listen() instead. Apparently, this listener is now work globally. Could be a replacement for the old grab.

New problem:

  • Simulations are listened by the listen() method which causes infinite loop.

  • Need to refactor the logic again so that we ensure only physically pressed/released key are listened and emitted event.

  • Refactor logic:

  • Key Press:
    • if special key -> set special key hashmap to true -> return
    • else -> process_event
  • Key Release:
    • if special key -> set special key hashmap to false
    • else -> process_event
  • Process Event:
    • Handle both Press/Release events
    • One record vector - push when press, pop when release. Then gather combination and emit.
    • Release does not need to get special key.


  • Circle back to Narsil's rdev. AND I HAD FOUND THE ROOT OF THE PAIN!!!!!
  • grab's callback has Option<Event> as a return type. Which is an option to decide passing the event to the OS or not. Silly me! I almost gave up until I decided to look back where I started...

This means Phase 1 has closed. Thank you for joining me on this First Chapter of the Rust journey


Intial test and thought

  • There will be a frontend built on local. Send API request to backend
  • Now let's imagine the workflow:
    • UI to setup key mapping: start mapping, frontend recaps the keyboard events (from and to), send to BE, BE do some schema mapping (event type in js is different from event type rdev), persist it
    • UI to start/stop: send request to BE, BE start/stop grab.
    • UI to displays keymap.

After trial and error

  • I have tried multiple methods:
  1. Grabbing event from client (like the initial thought), however browser listener is limitted in this feature, so not all key pressed is recorded.
  2. Grabbing from backend:
    • Using Tauri State for globally manage state between custom commands, trying to keep a global channel to end the the grab loop.
      • Failed, because the grab loop has blocked the receiver listener.
    • Finally, I decided to dig deep into rdev library, and found GrabStatus::Stop flag that primarily used for break out of grab loop Yet has not been called anywhere. So I tweaked the library and voila!.

Planning for next step


  1. Create record_keybind that record user's customization keybinds. This includes the method to stop recording.

  2. Create functions to write back to json and reload static json

  3. Create start_grab with the exisiting logic

  4. Frontend thingy.


  1. Save keybind's mapto to the mapfrom. Need to link up between key and value.
  2. Allow add more keybind
  3. Persist to json file and reload
  4. Start grabbing.