
Automatic Mixed Precision Tutorials using pytorch. Based on PyTorch 1.6 Official Features, implement classification codebase using custom dataset.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Automatic Mixed Precision Tutorials using pytorch. Based on PyTorch 1.6 Official Features (Automatic Mixed Precision), implement classification codebase using custom dataset.

0. Experimental Setup (I used 1 GTX 1080 Ti GPU and 1 RTX 2080 Ti GPU!)

0-1. Prepare Library

  • Must use Newest PyTorch version. (>= 1.6.0)
pip install -r requirements.txt

0-2. Download dataset (Kaggle Intel Image Classification)

This Data contains around 25k images of size 150x150 distributed under 6 categories. {'buildings' -> 0, 'forest' -> 1, 'glacier' -> 2, 'mountain' -> 3, 'sea' -> 4, 'street' -> 5 }

  • Make data folder and move dataset into data folder.

1. Baseline Training

  • ImageNet Pretrained ResNet-18 from torchvision.models
  • Batch Size 256 / Epochs 120 / Initial Learning Rate 0.0001
  • Training Augmentation: Resize((256, 256)), RandomHorizontalFlip()
  • Adam + Cosine Learning rate scheduling with warmup
  • I tried NVIDIA Pascal GPU - GTX 1080 Ti 1 GPU (w/o Tensor Core) and NVIDIA Turing GPU - RTX 2080 Ti 1 GPU (with Tensor Core)
python main.py --checkpoint_name baseline;

2. Automatic Mixed Precision Training

In PyTorch 1.6, Automatic Mixed Precision Training is very easy to use! Thanks to PyTorch!

2.1 Before

for batch_idx, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(data_loader):

  outputs = self.model(inputs)
  loss = self.criterion(outputs, labels)


2.2 After (just add 5 lines)

""" define loss scaler for automatic mixed precision """
scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler()

for batch_idx, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(data_loader):

  with torch.cuda.amp.autocast():
    outputs = self.model(inputs)
    loss = self.criterion(outputs, labels)

  # Scales the loss, and calls backward() 
  # to create scaled gradients 

  # Unscales gradients and calls 
  # or skips optimizer.step() 

  # Updates the scale for next iteration 

2.3 Run Script (Command Line)

python main.py --checkpoint_name baseline_amp --amp;

3. Performance Table

  • B : Baseline (FP32)
  • AMP : Automatic Mixed Precision Training (AMP)
Algorithm Test Accuracy GPU Memory Total Training Time
B - 1080 Ti 94.13 10737MB 64.9m
B - 2080 Ti 94.17 10855MB 54.3m
AMP - 1080 Ti 94.07 6615MB 64.7m
AMP - 2080 Ti 94.23 7799MB 37.3m

4. Code Reference