Flexible and translated routes for Next.js without custom server
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Project still active / maintained?
#96 opened by FlorianBruniaux - 3
I am using NextJS@14.1.4 (Pages router) and when I compile appear this error "Can't resolve 'next/dist/shared/lib/router-context'"
#94 opened by Jacky16 - 0
Module not found: Can't resolve 'next/dist/shared/lib/router-context'
#97 opened by jaumamyfront-ender - 0
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404 req when deployed on Vercel
#77 opened by Viktor-as - 1
I'm using next@11.1.2 with pages router, but still getting the "does not support `/app` directory yet." error
#93 opened by pakyardim - 1
How can I use it in storybook?
#71 opened by valerio-fornace - 1
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Error: spawn E2BIG when running in Docker
#79 opened by michalpulpan - 3
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codesandbox link in readme isn't working
#87 opened by kitesurf - 18
Route using translated locale/.json file
#49 opened by StephaneBischoff - 4
Add support for Next 13 `/app` directory
#61 opened by cvolant - 1
Update pagesDirs to support Next.js 11 pages path
#64 opened by pqminh - 2
Static segment after dynamic segment?
#72 opened by branislav-brincko - 2
Redirection issue using getServerSideProps
#82 opened by MaxTec - 1
Mailto links are broken since v.1.9.2
#75 opened by simonhenke - 2
The page could not be found on refresh
#74 opened by addayounes - 0
The querystring API is considered Legacy
#76 opened by bourquep - 1
How to work with dynamic routes?
#73 opened by Kerim-Willem - 7
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Incorrect translation of external links
#55 opened by simonhenke - 3
Add Next 13 support
#52 opened by semy - 2
fileUrlToUrl breaks on 404
#60 opened by okkindel - 2
Link to dynamic route results in ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found), then redirects correctly
#54 opened by simonhenke - 15
"No translate routes data found. next-translate-routes plugin is probably missing from next.config.js"
#42 opened by yzmp - 1
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Typescript support for Link properties
#53 opened by zto-sbenning - 2
Plugin can't be used with @sentry/nextjs
#48 opened by aleehedl - 1
yarn install does not work on windows
#39 opened by harrychy8 - 2
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translate-routes and language change
#44 opened by dsm-ostec - 3
Breaks jsxImportSource in Nextjs
#45 opened by JacobSoderblom - 1
Duplication with routesTree
#40 opened by nedimcimpohtec - 2
Error with unit tests
#31 opened by nedimcimpohtec - 2
TranslatePath does not respect ignored segment
#34 opened by netdown - 1
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Keep default language locale in the URL
#32 opened by larsvankleef