
Python API Automation webinar by LearnQA.ru

Primary LanguagePython


written in

Python 3, py.test


  1. Download Python 3.9
  2. Install Python from the downloaded package.
  3. Clone the project, navigate to project directory from your terminal, run: pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Running the tests

To start all the final tests from a terminal, inside the project, run python3 -m pytest --alluredir=test_results/ framework_example/tests


To generate the report, run allure serve test_results

More about Allure implementation for pytest is here.

How to add a test:

  1. Create a new .py file under 'tests'. Note: name should be test_*.py or *_test.py (otherwise it will not run!)
  2. Create a test suite, add a class Test* into your .py file
  3. Inside the test class, add tests. Note: every test method should start with 'test_'.
  4. To generate a good report, do not forget to use @allure decorators and mark features and steps.

More about pytest.

Happy testing!