GraniteLoom Project =================== # Overview GraniteLoom is a fork of [PowerLoom][pl]. [PowerLoom][pl] is a free/open source software (FOSS) project developed originally at the [Information Sciences Institute][isi] (ISI) of the [University of Southern California][usc] (USC). The GraniteLoom fork is developed independent of the original [PowerLoom][pl] project. # Components [PowerLoom][PL] is distribued with the following components * [STELLA Programming Language][stella] * ... # Goals in GraniteLoom Fork M1 * Add ASDF System Definitions - STELLA, PowerLoom * Ensure Portability of Common Lisp code generated from STELLA Source Forms * Provide API for defining STELLA Knowledge Bases with ASDF System Definitions * Develop Documentation (DITA XML format) * Prototype of software component architecture model in STELLA KIF Later goals may include: * Define a distributed object service model for application of STELLA in a context of CORBA Object Services * Proof of Concept: Definition of a logical inference model for programmed reflection about software component architectures * Define a normative transform algorithm for RDF, RDFS, OWL transform to STELLA KIF # Documentation **Local files:** * `sources/stella/README` - STELLA Overview * `sources/stella/doc/` * `sources/stella/doc/manual.pdf` * `sources/logic/README` - PowerLoom Overview * `sources/logic/doc/PowerLoom-Overview-Slides.ppt` * `sources/powerloom/doc/` * `sources/powerloom/doc/manual.pdf` * `native/cpp/stella/cpp-lib/gc/doc/` * `sources/powerloom-gui/src/overview.html` * `htdocs/ontosaurus/help/` * `sources/powerloom-server/plsoap/README` * `sources/webtools/tomcat/README` ## Additional Documentary Information ### STELLA Programming Language [STELLA][stella] is a _Strongly Typed, Lisp-like LAnguage_ comprising a _typed_ dialect of the [Knowledge Interchange Format][kif3] ([KIF][kif3]) [version 3.0][kif3]. [STELLA][stella] source code may be transformed into into C++, Java, and Common Lisp source code. #### Type Definitions - Stella and C++, Java, Common Lisp ... #### Value Wrappers in Stella ... ### Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF) An overview about the Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF) is [available via Wikipedia][kifpedia]. See also: [Knowledge Interchange Format][stankif] at the [Stanford Logic Group][stanlog] #### Additional KIF Implementations * [kifparser][kifparser] from the [Center for Design Research][cdr] at the [Stanford School of Engineering][staneng] ### STELLA System Definitions #### STELLA::DEFINE-SYSTEM [Function] Syntax: > STELLA::DEFINE-SYSTEM NAME ARGS Known ARGS keywords: * `:CARDINAL-MODULE` * `:DIRECTORY` * `:REQUIRED-SYSTEMS` * `:CPP-ONLY-FILES` * `:JAVA-ONLY-FILES` * `:LISP-ONLY-FILES` * `:PREPROCESSED-FILES` * `:FILES` * `:DEVELOPMENT-SETTINGS` * `:PRODUCTION-SETTINGS` See also: * `STELLA::MAKE-SYSTEM` [Function] * `STELLA::*SYSTEMDEFINITIONS*` [STELLA::LIST] #### STELLA::MAKE-SYSTEM [Function] e.g. > (STELLA::MAKE-SYSTEM "logic") #### STELLA::GET-SYSTEM-DEFINITION e.g. > (STELLA::GET-SYSTEM-DEFINITION "powerloom") #### STELLA::*SYSTEMDEFINITIONS* [STELLA::LIST] Translating the value to a CL:LIST > (STELLA::%THE-CONS-LIST STELLA::*SYSTEMDEFINITIONS*) ### Relation of STELLA System Definitions and STELLA Module Definitions Symbolic expression: `System Definition =[*][Cardinal Module][1]=> Module` See also: * `STELLA::%CARDINAL-MODULE` [Generic Function] * `STELLA::GET-CARDINAL-MODULE` [Function] * `STELLA::STANDARD-OBJECT` [Standard Class] e.g. > `(STELLA::%CARDINAL-MODULE (car (STELLA::%THE-CONS-LIST STELLA::*SYSTEMDEFINITIONS*)))` #### STELLA System Definitions * `STELLA::DEFSYSTEM` * `STELLA::%DEFSYSTEM` * `STELLA::DEFINE-SYSTEM` * `STELLA::MAKE-SYSTEM` * Applied in upstream `./load-powerlooom.lisp` * May result in files being compiled, when evaluated * `STELLA::%MAKE-SYSTEM` * e.g. `(STELLA::%MAKE-SYSTEM "powerloom" STELLA::NIL)` * `STELLA::GET-SYSTEM-DEFINITION` * e.g. `(STELLA::GET-SYSTEM-DEFINITION "powerloom")` * `STELLA::*FILE-LOAD-PATH*` * `"pl:native;lisp;*;startup-system.lisp"` [directory] * Source files: `systems.slisp`, `systems.lisp` Representation in Common Lisp: _Refer to Lisp source files_, `systems.slisp`, `systems.lisp` Representation in C++: _Refer to native C++ source files_, `` Representation in Java: _Refer to native Java source files_, `` ### STELLA Modules * `STELLA::GET-STELLA-MODULE `- 'name' being a conventional SIMPLE-STRING ### Value Wrapping in STELLA _Notes_ - Lisp representation * `STELLA::STRING-WRAPPER` * `STELLA::WRAPPER-VALUE-TYPE` * `STELLA::SURROGATE` as an effective subclass of `STELLA::CONTEXT-SENSITIVE-OBJECT` * `STELLA::WRAP-LITERAL` _Wrapper_ classses * `STELLA::WRAPPER` and subclasses Literal Value Wrapping - _Unwrap_ Functions * `STELLA::UNWRAP-BOOLEAN` * `STELLA::INLINE-UNWRAP-BOOLEAN` (?) * `STELLA::UNWRAP-CHARACTER` * `STELLA::UNWRAP-FLOAT` * `STELLA::UNWRAP-INTEGER` * `STELLA::UNWRAP-LONG-INTEGER` * `STELLA::UNWRAP-MUTABLE-STRING` * `STELLA::UNWRAP-STRING` Code Wrapping * `STELLA::ACCESS-FUNCTION-CODE-WRAPPER-SLOT-VALUE` * `STELLA::ACCESS-METHOD-CODE-WRAPPER-SLOT-VALUE` * `STELLA::UNWRAP-FUNCTION-CODE` * `STELLA::UNWRAP-METHOD-CODE` * `STELLA::UNWRAP-WRAPPED-TYPE` Stella Collection Types * `STELLA::ABSTRACT-COLLECTION` * `STELLA::COLLECTION` * `STELLA::SEQUENCE` * `STELLA::VECTOR` ... * `STELLA::RECYCLE-LIST` ... * `STELLA::LIST` ... * `STELLA::%THE-CONS-LIST` ### STELLA Offset Tables ...? ### STELLA C++ Generator > :USE-CPP-GARBAGE-COLLECTION in STELLA::*DEFAULT-STELLA-FEATURES* ... ### STELLA Java Generator > STELLA::*CURRENT-JAVA-OUTPUT-CLASS* ... ### STELLA Lisp Generator ... ### STELLA XML Parser ... ### Misc Transcript of an interactive session with STELLA in SBCL > (in-package #:CL-USER) > > > (stella::in-module "/STELLA") ;; n.b case sensitive module name > > > (describe stella::*module*) > > |MDL|/STELLA > [standard-object] > >Slots with :INSTANCE allocation: > SURROGATE-VALUE-INVERSE = /PL-KERNEL-KB/@STELLA > DYNAMIC-SLOTS = |kv|( .. > CHILD-CONTEXTS = |l|() > BASE-MODULE = |MDL|/STELLA > ALL-SUPER-CONTEXTS = NIL > CONTEXT-NUMBER = 2 > PARENT-MODULES = |l|() > DOCUMENTATION = "" > NICKNAMES = :NULL_VALUE > USES = |l|() > USED-BY = |l|(|MDL|/SDBC.. > REQUIRES = :NULL_VALUE > CASE-SENSITIVE? = NIL > MODULE-FULL-NAME = "/STELLA" > MODULE-NAME = "STELLA" > MODULE-STRINGIFIED-SOURCE = "" > STRINGIFIED-OPTIONS = "" > CARDINAL-MODULE = |MDL|/STELLA > SYMBOL-OFFSET-TABLE = |i|@STRING-TO-INTEGER-HASH-TABLE > SURROGATE-OFFSET-TABLE = |i|@STRING-TO-INTEGER-HASH-TABLE > STRICT-INFERENCE-CACHE = :NULL_VALUE > DEFAULT-INFERENCE-CACHE = :NULL_VALUE > PROTOTYPE-INFERENCE-CACHE = :NULL_VALUE > > > (type-of (stella::%dynamic-slots stella::*module*)) > => STELLA::KEY-VALUE-LIST > > (stella::%the-kv-list (stella::%dynamic-slots stella::*module*)) > => > > (defparameter *kv* (stella::%the-kv-list (stella::%dynamic-slots stella::*module*))) > > (stella::%key *kv*) > => /LOGIC/DEPENDENT-PROPOSITIONS-INDEX > > (type-of (stella::%key *kv*)) > => STELLA::SYMBOL > > (stella::%symbol-value-and-plist (stella::%key *kv*)) > => NIL > > (stella::%value *kv*)) > => |i|/LOGIC/@BACKLINKS-INDEX > > (type-of (stella::%value *kv*)) > => STELLA::BACKLINKS-INDEX > > (type-of *kv*) > => STELLA::KV-CONS > > (maphash #'(lambda (k v) (format t "~%~S ~S" k v)) > (stella::%the-hash-table (stella::%symbol-offset-table stella::*module*))) > > (stella::module-lisp-package stella::*module*) > => "STELLA" > (let (buff) > (do-symbols (v (find-package "STELLA") buff) > (when (boundp v) (unless (symbolp v) (push v buff ))))) > => NIL ;; all bound symbols in the module's package are bound to a symbol > STELLA::*SYSTEMDEFINITIONS* > STELLA::*BUILT-IN-MODULE-NAMES* > STELLA::*STARTUP-TIME-PHASES* > STELLA::*FUNCTION-LOOKUP-TABLE* > STELLA::*ALL-MEASURES* > STELLA::*DATE-TIME-PATTERNS* > STELLA::*MONTH-ABBREVIATION-VECTOR* > STELLA::*PRIME-NUMBERS* > STELLA::*AVAILABLE-POWERLOOM-FEATURES* > STELLA::*CURRENT-POWERLOOM-FEATURES* > STELLA::*AVAILABLE-STELLA-FEATURES* > STELLA::*CURRENT-STELLA-FEATURES* > STELLA::*DEFAULT-STELLA-FEATURES* > STELLA::*ALL-MEMOIZATION-TABLES* > STELLA::*CL-OPERATOR-TABLE* > STELLA::*KIF-SENTENCE-OPERATORS* > STELLA::*TYPE-PREDICATE-TABLE* > STELLA::*XML-BASE-ENTITY-TABLE* > STELLA::*CLASS-TAXONOMY-GRAPH* > STELLA::*REGISTERED-COMMAND-LINE-OPTIONS* > STELLA::*DEMO-FILES* > STELLA::*SPECIAL-STRINGS* > STELLA::/PL-KERNEL-KB/*PL-KERNEL-KB-DEFINITIONS* See also: _Canonical Names_ in STELLA [Concept] ### Knowledge Representation - A Bibliography * Marchetti, Andrea, F Ronzano, M Tesconi, and M Minutoli. “Formalizing Knowledge by Ontologies: OWL and KIF.” Relatório Apresentado L’Istituto Di Informatica E Telematica (IIT). Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (CNR). Italia, 2008. {[URL](}. * Niles, Ian, and Adam Pease. “Towards a Standard Upper Ontology.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems-Volume 2001, 2–9. ACM, 2001. {[URL](}. * Alavi, Maryam, and Dorothy Leidner. “Review: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Research Issues.” MIS Quarterly 25, no. June (2001): 107–36. doi:10.2307/3250961. {[URL](}. ### GraniteLoom Integeration with ASDF #### Dependencies * `stella.asd` - **Stella System Definition** (GraniteLoom) [ASDF::System] * **Dependencies:** Each of [USocket][usocket], [Bordeaux Threads][bthread] * **Features and Parameters Affecting System Definition** * Feature `:STELLA-STRUCT` - newly defined in GraniteLoom, this feature provides an alternative to appilcations of the variable `CL-USER::*LOAD-CL-STRUCT-STELLA*?`. If the feature is defined, the `stella-system-structs` Common Lisp source file will be compiled and loaded with the containing `stella.asd` system definition * Variable `CL-USER::*LOAD-CL-STRUCT-STELLA*?` - in `stella.asd`, the value of this variable is set to `T` when the feature `:STELLA-STRUCT` is defined. * Variable `CL-USER::*STELLA-VERBOSE?*` - this variable's value will affect the printing of messages during compiling and loading of system components, and may affect the printing of some informative messages * `CL:*READ-DEFAULT-FLOAT-FORMAT*` - refer to file `native/lisp/stella/cl-lib/cl-setup.lisp` (TO DO - PORTABILITY, NO USERSPACE SIDE EFECTS) * **Side Effects - Behaviors During Evaluation of System Definition** * Common Lisp Package `STELLA-SYSTEM` defined * Common Lisp Package `STELLA` defined * Macro `STELLA::WITH-REDEFINITION-WARNINGS-SUPPRESSED` defined (implementation-specific) * Macro `STELLA::WITH-UNDEFINED-FUNCTION-WARNINGS-SUPPRESSED` defined (implementation-specific) * Fxtensions for ASDF in STELLA, PowerLoom defined * **Side Effects - Behaviors Before `ASDF:COMPILE-OP` of System Definition** * Set `CL-USER::*LOAD-CL-STRUCT-STELLA*?` value to `T` when the feature `:STELLA-STRUCT` is defined * **Side Effects - Behaviors After `ASDF:LOAD-OP` of System Definition** * Function Call Evaluated: `STELLA::STARTUP-STELLA-SYSTEM` * Function Call Evaluated `STELLA::STARTUP-STELLA-TO-CL` * Informative message printed to `CL:*STANDARD-OUTPUT*` when `CL-USER::*STELLA-VERBORE?*` * `#+ALLEGRO` `(tpl:setq-default cl-user::*redefinition-warnings* nil)` * **Side Effects - Behaviors during Normal Upstream System Evaluation** * Logical pathname host `PL:` defined * In GraniteLoom, this logical pathname is defined with pathname translations as deriving from ASDF source/output component pathname translations * See alo: `CL-USER::*STELLA-NATIVE-DIRECTORY*` * `powerloom.asd` (TO DO) - Powerloom System Definition (GraniteLoom) [ASDF::System] * Dependencies: `stella.asd` * KB System Definitions (GraniteLoom): TBD * Integration with C, C++ Toolchains for ASDF: TBD * Integration wtih Java Toolchains for ASDF: TBD * Integration with Makefile Implementations (GNU Make, bmake, pmake, fmake) for ASDF: TBD #### GraniteLoom System Definitions GraniteLoom develops a set of _system definitions_ in a format compatible with the popular [ASDF][asdf] _system definition_ framework. The respective `.asd` files may be applied as, each, an alternative to the original/upstream `-loader.lisp` file #### GraniteLoom Extensions to the ASDF Object Model [ASDF][asdf] is effectively extended in the GraniteLoom System Definitions. _Ed. Note: The following classes are deined essentially as prototypes for later design work, in GraniteLoom_ * `STELLA-SOURCE-FILE` * `JAVA-SOURCE-FILE` * `C++-HEADER-FILE` * `C-HEADER-FILE` * `MAKEFILE` _To Do: ASDF integration with XDG Shared MIME Info_ * `STELLA-LISP-FILE` - Special Handling in GraniteLoom System Definitions * Derive a lexical binding for the value of each of `CL:*COMPILE-VERBOSE*` and `CL:*LOAD-VERBOSE*` both from the value of the variable, `CL-USER:*STELLA-VERBOSE?*` , as respectively during each of an `ASDF:LOAD-OP` or `ASDF:COMPILE-OP` applied onto the respective `STELLA-LISP-FILE` component * Compile/Load the component in a context in which the value of `*STELLA-SYSTEM*` is lexically bound to the _component system_ referenced by the respective `STELLA-LISP-FILE` component * Compile/Load the component in a context in which the value of `*SOURCE-TRUENAME-SYSTEM*` is lexically bound to the _truename_ _namestring_ of the _source file_ of the respective `STELLA-LISP-FILE` component * Compile/Load the component in a context _with redefinition warnings surpressed_ and _with undefined function warnings surpressed_ for _supported implementations_ - refer to source code, for more detail # Licensing Quoting the [Powerloom Download Page][pldl] (December 2015) > Since 2005, PowerLoom® is available free-of-charge under a triple > disjunctive open-source licensing scheme that allows you to pick the > Mozilla Public License v. 1.1 (MPL), the GNU General Public License > v. 2.0 (GPL) or the the GNU Lesser Public License v. 2.1 (LGPL) to > fit your needs. This scheme is similar to what's used for the > Mozilla web browser and should give people maximum flexibility to > use PowerLoom even for commercial development while still retaining > the advantages of open-source licensing. Such a license is retained, throughout the works contributed in the GraniteLoom fork of [PowerLoom][PL] [pl]: [usc]: [isi]: [stella]: [kif3]: [kifpedia]: [kifparser]: [stankif]: [stanlog]: [cdr]: [staneng]: [pldl]: [asdf]: [usocket]: [bthread]: