
Simple HelloWorld examples

Primary LanguageJava

Simple Spring AI

This project contains a web service that will accept HTTP GET requests at http://localhost:8080/ai/simple.

There is optional message parameter whose default value is "Tell me a joke".

The response to the request is from the OpenAI ChatGPT Service.


Before using the AI commands, make sure you have a developer token from OpenAI.

Create an account at OpenAI Signup and generate the token at API Keys.

The Spring AI project defines a configuration property named spring.ai.openai.api-key that you should set to the value of the API Key obtained from openai.com.

Exporting an environment variable is one way to set that configuration property.


Building and running

./mvnw spring-boot:run

Access the endpoint

To get a response to the default request of "Tell me a joke"

curl http://localhost:8080/ai/simple

A sample response is

Sure, here's a classic one for you:

Why don't scientists trust atoms?

Because they make up everything!

Now using the message request parameter

curl --get  --data-urlencode 'message=Tell me a joke about a cow.' http://localhost:8080/ai/simple 

A sample response is

Why did the cow go to space?

Because it wanted to see the mooooon!

Alternatively use the httpie clinet
