
numpy.einsum simulation in written in Python

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numpy.einsum simulation in written in Python

einsum.c.src is the C source file from https://github.com/numpy.

einsum_py.py contains equivalent code. Its myeinsum() has a similar API to numpy.einsum (though it does not use the keywords like dtype).

test_einsum.py is an adaptation of the numpy test file, using myeinsum. Currently it skips the initial ValueError tests, tests using the (op1, [0], op2, [0,1]...) syntax, most dtype and casting tests, and b.base is a tests.

The initial purpose of this project was to understand the issue behind numpy/numpy#2455, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16591696/ellipsis-broadcasting-in-numpy-einsum and http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.numeric.general/53705

If A is 2d, and B is 1d, why is the 2nd correct, but not the first?


Thus the primary focus was on how einsum parses the subscripts. But to run as many of the test cases as possible, I added the nditer loop as suggested in numpy/numpy#3142 (comment) as well as the strided view mechanism. So it is also a good exercise in using those features.

My tentative conclusion is that the /* Middle or None broadcasting */ case in prepare_op_axes is unnecessary, raising a no broadcasting error when it is not needed. The '...' elipsis is being used for two purposes, as a place holder for existing, but unspecified dimensions, and as a 'broadcasting permission' slip. It's this second use that is arbitrary and unnecessary.