
Project for the Functional Programming course @ CIn/UFPE - Spring 2018

Primary LanguageHaskell


Project for the Functional Programming course @ CIn/UFPE - Spring 2018

The project

Koans are a widespread technique to learn about new programming languages. Inspired by clojureScript koans we decided to make a web Haskell Koans, where programmers can easily take haskell for a test-drive and see what the buzz is all about.

To Do

  • Implement the koans response logic
  • Connect the website to a remote database [In Progress - see branch]
  • Host website
  • Figure out how to serve images on build
  • Figure out how to serve CSS on build


You can either run the project locally or using containers.

Running locally

In order to run Haskell Koans locally, you need to:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Navigate to the project's folder on Terminal/Cmd
  3. Install Happstack:
  4. Compile and run the project: runhaskell main.hs
  5. Open a browser on http://localhost:8000

Running on Docker

In order to run Haskell Koans on a container, you need to:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Navigate to the project's folder on Terminal/Cmd
  3. Install Happstack
  4. Install Docker

On the root of the project you'll find the Dockerfile. We also have a few scripts to help:

  1. To build the docker image run: scripts/build.sh
  2. To start the container run: scripts/start.sh and open a browser on http://localhost:8080
  3. To stop the container run: scripts/stop.sh

Continuous Deployment

Continuous Deployment is enabled through Heroku. Updates on the master branch are automatically deployed to http://haskellkoans.herokuapp.com

Original Authors