
A Cloud Guru Course: Mastering CloudFormation

Chapter 1 - Intro and Theory

Everything you need to set you up for a successful course. We'll quickly cover some tips when working with the AWS CLI. We'll then cover a brief review of the CloudFormation template anatomy including metadata, intrinsic functions, as well as exporting and importing values between templates.

Ch01_L01 – Introduction

Take a high-level look at what this course has to offer.

Ch01_L02 – A Quick Refresher

A quick refresher on AWS CLI, CloudFormation fundenmentals, and navigating the AWS CloudFormation Docs.

  1. DEMO: Working with the AWS CLI
  2. How CloudFormation works
  3. How to efficiently search and read the docs
    • Properties
    • Return Values (Ref, Fn::GetAtt)
  4. DEMO: Finding Resource documentation


Ch01_L03 – Template Anatomy

A complete look at CloudFormation's template anatomy, with Parameters/Types, Mappings, Conditions, Metadata, Resources, Outputs and more.

  1. Parameters
  2. Mappings
  3. Conditions
  4. Metadata
  5. Resources
  6. Outputs


Ch01_L04 – Template Operations

A detailed look at intrinsic functions as well as a deep dive on Exporting and Importing values between templates.

  1. Intrinsic Functions
    • Ref, GetAtt
  2. Export/Imports Outputs


Ch01_L05 – Tips & Watchouts

A list of the most common CloudFormation pitfalls as well how to best setup your code editor, when working with CloudFormation.

  1. Trick-out your IDE
  2. Lambda@Edge Deletion Times
  3. CloudFront Propagation Times
  4. Stack Creation Manual Steps
  5. Renaming Things
  6. Stateful Resources and Updates / Deletes
  7. Limits


Chapter 2 - Custom Resources

Learn to create, deploy and implement custom resources that can help extend CloudFormation way beyond just native resources.

Demo Description: Create and use a custom resource that provisions unique subdomains and routing based on application version. Eg.

Ch02_L01 – Overview

A birds-eye view of Custom Resources; what they are and various use cases.

  1. What they are
    • Lambda: Create, Update, Delete
    • Return & Fn::GetAtt
  2. Features & Use Cases
  3. Limits


Ch02_L02 – What We Are Building

A detailed walk-through of the custom resource you will be building; as well as calling out a few custom resource helper libraries.

  1. Important Notes
    • Timeouts & Catching Errors
    • How CloudFormation identifies and replaces resources
    • Design functions for idempotency
  2. Helper Libraries
  3. Diagram: What We Are Building


Ch02_L03 – Let's Make one

A guided jounery in building your own custom resource, and how to deploy it.

  1. DEMO: Create/Deploy Custom Resource
  2. DEMO: Review Custom Resource Function
  3. DEMO: Review Exports in Console

Ch02_L04 – Let's Use It

A complete guide to implementing and using your new custom resource

  1. Using in another Template
  2. DEMO: Create, Update and Delete
  3. DEMO: Cleanup


Chapter 3 - Macros & Transforms

Elevate your template functionality with Macros and Transforms. Learn to create and use custom template functions.

Ch03_L01 – Overview

A comprehensive look at Macros & Transforms; along with various use cases and limits.

  1. What they are
  2. Snippet vs Template-Level
  3. Features & Use Cases
  4. Limits


Ch03_L02 – Macro: String Operations

A hands-on lab where you will be building a deploying a Macro that is able to perform string manipulations in your templates.

  1. What We're Building
  • String Operations (Capitalize, Replace, Max Length)
  1. DEMO: Create/Deploy String Operations Macro
  1. DEMO: Use Macro

Ch03_L03 – Macro: Common Tags

A hands-on lab where you will be building a deploying a Macro that cleanly provides a way to globally tag all the resources at once.

  1. What We're Building
  2. DEMO: Create/Deploy CommonTags Macro
  3. DEMO: Use Macro

Ch03_L04 – Macro: Custom Resource Types

A hands-on lab where you will build & deploy a Macro that abstracts away your custom resource, making it appear as though it's a native resource type.

  1. What We're Building
  2. DEMO: Create/Deploy S3Objects Macro
  3. DEMO: Use Macro

Ch03_L05 – Unit Testing

Learn to debug and test your Lambda's locally, or as part of a deployment step.

  1. Unit Testing
  2. DEMO: Setting up Macro Unit Tests
  • validate-template

Chapter 4 – Best Practices

A focused look at the most impactful CloudFormation features, workflows and best practices for organizing, securing and managing your templates and stacks.

Ch04_L01-L02 - Nested Stacks

An advanced exploration of Nested Stacks; how they work, use cases, features and a detailed hands-on demo.

  1. What are they?
  2. Features & Benefits
  3. Use Case
  4. DEMO - Let's Build One
  5. Passing Params to/from Parent and Child Stacks
  6. Recover a nested stacks hierarchy with ResourcesToSkip
  7. Clean up


Ch04_L03 - Working with Secrets

An extensive look at safe-guarding your secrets when working with CloudFormation without compromising on workflow or security.

  1. Overview
  2. SSM vs Secrets Manager
  3. Intro to KMS
  4. Bundling Secrets
  5. Encrypting in CLI
  6. Decrypting in Lambda
  7. Clean up


Ch04_L04 - Template Strategies

A detailed examination of various techniques, workflows and tools for validating, cross-referencing, and orginizing your templates.

  1. Reuse & Stack Separation
  2. Organize Stacks By Lifecycle and Ownership
  3. Nested vs Exports vs AWS::Include
  4. Validate Templates before deploying

Ch04_L05 - Template Storage and Revisions

A practical look at a variety of approaches to automating the tasks of versioning, linting, packaging, storing and continuously deploying your templates.

  1. Versioning
  2. Linting
  3. Packaging
  4. Storing
  5. Automated CI/CD Pipeline

Chapter 5 - Mastering Stacks

A comprehensive review of some of the lesser known, but extremely powerful CloudFormation features.

Ch05_L01 - Service Roles

A guided investigation of service roles; what they are and the granular control over stacks they provide.

  1. Why are they needed?
  2. DEMO: User & Role Setup
  3. DEMO: Stack Deploy & Update
  4. Cleanup

Ch05_L02 – Change Sets

An exploration of Change Sets; what they are, some powerful use cases along with a hands-on demo on how to take full advantage of them when you deploy.

  1. What are they
  2. Use Case
  3. Stack Drift
  4. DEMO - Let's use one
  5. Cleanup

Ch05_L03-L04 – StackSets

An in-depth look at stack sets; some of their most important benefits and limitations as well as a hands-on demo of how they can help you master mult-region and account deploys.

  1. StackSet Concepts
  2. Features & Benefits
  3. Limitations
  4. Granting permissions for Stack Set operations
  5. Configuring a target account gate
  6. DEMO - Deploying with StackSets
  7. Cleanup


Ch05_L05 – Stack Policies

Learn how to completely protect your stack resources, with ease using stack policies.

  1. What are they?
  2. DEMO: Using Stack Policies
  3. Cleanup


Chapter 6 - Working with EC2 Instances (eg. GhostCMS)

Learn how to provision your EC2 instances complete with all required services, files, users, and groups all with native CloudFormation.

Demo Description: Build and deploy a Ghost Blogging CMS hosted on EC2. Learn how to provision the instance for required packages with CloudFormation.

Ch06_L01 – CloudFormationInit

Learn about CloudFormationInit and how it can orgistrate your EC2 application provisioning.

  1. UserData (Procedural) vs CloudFormationInit
  2. How it Works
  3. Provisioning Workflow

Ch06_L02 - ConfigSets

Explore ConfigSets and how they offer declaritive control over the services, files, users, and groups that get installed on your EC2 instances

  1. Overview
  2. packages
  3. groups
  4. users
  5. sources
  6. files
  7. commands
  8. services

Ch06_L03 – Resource Policies

Learn how to orgastrate the provisioning, updating and deleting of your instances with resource policies and cfn-signal.

  1. What are they?
  2. Creation Policy
  3. Update Policy
  4. Deletion Policy
  5. cfn-signal


Ch06_L04 – cfn-hup

Learn how to use cfn-up to keep you EC2 instances in sync with changes to your templates.

  1. How it works
  2. Configuring
  3. DEMO

Chapter 7 - Working with Serverless

Learn advanced techniques and workflows when working with CloudFormation and serverless; along with solutions to common challenges.

Ch07_L01-L03 – AWS Serverless Application Repository

A detailed look at AWS Serverless Application Repository; what it is and how to use it as your team's extensive infrastructure rolodex.

  1. What is AWS SAR?
  2. Searching for Apps
  3. Publishing Apps
  4. Using Apps


Ch07_L03-L04 – JAMStack Deployment (Voting App)

Learn how to automate the deployment of a serverless real-time voting application; as well as solutions to related CloudFormation challenges.

  1. What we’re going to build
  2. Review Template & Code
  3. Outputs injection
  4. Deleting S3 assets as part of stack delete


Chapter 8 - Putting it all together (Self Service Portal)

Learn how you can programmatically explore and control CloudFormation in a custom built Cloud Portal complete with Github Repository and Actions Integrations.

Ch08_L01 – Programmatic CloudFormation

A discussion of common uses for programmic control of CloudFormation. A detailed look at the Cloud Portal application you'll be deploying as well as a step-by-step deployment walk-through.

  1. Use Cases
  2. Cloud Portal Intro
  3. Deployment

Ch08_L02 – Portal Code Walk-Through

A review of the Cloud Portal functionality followed by a comprehesive code walk-through to see what makes it tick.

  1. Cloud Portal Exploration
  2. Code Walk-Through

Ch08_L03 - Complete Course Clean-up

A full and complete walk-through and tear down of all stacks, keys, configs, ssm params, roles etc that we're created for this course.

  1. Clean up


Chapter 9 - Other Tools

Simplfiy your CloudFormation workflow with a an industry CLI tool. We’ll briefly review and compare a number of industry tool options. Additionally, we'll also be taking a quick look at the CloudFormation Registry and CLI.

Ch9_L01 – Frameworks

A high-level look at The Serverless Framework, AWS SAM, Troposphere and AWS CDK; compairing their feature sets and workflows.

  1. Troposphere
  2. The Serverless Framework
  3. AWS SAM
  4. AWS CDK


Ch9_L02 – CloudFormation Registry and CLI

Learn how, even though new to the scene at time of recording; the CloudFormation Registry and CLI promise to significantly standardize and open up CloudFormation to third-party resources.

  1. The Registry
  2. The CLI
  3. Using 3rd Party Providers
  4. Creating Your Own Provider


Ch9_L03 – Conclusion

Congradulations, a sincere thanks and brief good-bye; until next time.


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