
Docker container for building our web app without the need of modifying the host.

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Docker container for building our web app without the need of modifying the host.


Run the container from your project root directory.

docker run -it --rm \
    -e "HOME=/home/$USER" \
    -e "USER" \
    -e "UID=$(id -u)" \
    -e "GID=$(id -g)" \
    -v ~:/home/$USER \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    -v $PWD:/app \

This runs the container with the common settings. It requires a build/ directory in your project root. From the build dir it runs a robo install.

You can run different build commands by providing an alternative command on startup.

    docker run -it --rm \
        -e "HOME=/home/$USER" \
        -e "USER" \
        -e "UID=$(id -u)" \
        -e "GID=$(id -g)" \
        -v ~:/home/$USER \
        -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
        -v $PWD:/app \
    hpbuniat/build-server YOUR_COMMAND