
Supporting files such as policy documents and supplemental information for the mast.hpc.social instance

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hpc.social Mastodon instance and policies

This repository hosts additional information including a Discussions area for topics related to the hpc.social Mastodon instance. Feel free to give feedback or to follow the links below for additional information on the server instance and its policies. For feedback related to the overall hpc.social web site itself, please follow this link.

Supporting files such as policy documents and supplemental information for the hpc.social Mastodon instance are as provided below:

For internal discussion of these policies, or other topics related to the Mastodon instance, please use the Discussions link for this repository, or raise an issue or create a pull request if you believe you can offer an improvement.

For any other questions, please feel free to contact us using the contact information on the hpc.social Mastodon site or on the main hpc.social web site. You may also contact the hpc.social Mastodon moderators directly by email to report issues if necessary.