UMS aims at enabling uninterruptible service offering to users. It provides live service migration across edge-to-cloud continuum or between multiple edge computing systems.

Primary LanguagePython

UMS: Ubiquitous Migration Solution


The aim of this project is to enable containerized service migration across computing systems employing container orchestrators such as Kubernetes. UMS acts as an umbrella solution encompassing various state-of-the-art migration approaches:

  • Orchestrator-level migration approach that relies on the orchestrator native features to perform the migration
  • Service-level migration approach that the migration mechanism is completely developed in the service container image
  • Container-level migration approach that leverages the advantage of container nesting to enable the migration without the demand to change the service image or underlying orchestrator.



  • A Kubernetes cluster with following features.
    • The MutatingAdmissionWebhook and ValidatingAdmissionWebhook must be enabled via --enable-admission-plugins flag (see Kubernetes documentation).
    • The RBAC (ClusterRole) must be enabled via --authorization-mode flag (see Kubernetes documentation). See Kopf configuration to see detailed permission required to create the ClusterRole.
    • UMS must be deployed on both the source and destination cluster.
  • To enable an orchestrator-level migration approach, the following setups are required.
  • To use a service-level migration approach, a SYS_PTRACE CPU capability is required in pod security context (see Enabling ptrace for CRIU). In some Kubernetes distributions, a privileged: true is required.
  • To enable a container-level migration approach, the following setups are required.


UMS components can be configured via environment variables. Below is the list of supported variables for each component.


The coordinator is the main actor who coordinate the service migration. To enable an orchestrator-level migration approach, the following variables need to be set

  • SSU_INTERFACE_ENABLE set to any value to enable the interface
  • SSU_INTERFACE_SERVICE (default: ssu-interface) specify the name of the interface service. It needs to be consistent with ssu.yml.
  • SSU_INTERFACE_HOST specify the hostname for replying the destination endpoint to the source cluster. If not set, the host name in the request URL is return.
  • SSU_INTERFACE_NODEPORT (default: 30002) specify the NodePort of the interface service. It needs to be consistent with ssu.yml.


  • SYNC_HOST specify the hostname for replying the destination endpoint to the source cluster. If not set, the host name in the request URL is return.


  • HOST_NAME specify the hostname for Kubernetes API server to connect. If not set, it will use the default value provided by Kopf library.

SSU Interface

  • LOG_LEVEL specify the detail level of logging. It must have the following methods: info, error, debug, fatal, warn, trace, silent, child


To deploy UMS, run the following commands:

kubectl apply kopf.kubernetes.yml
kubectl apply deployment.yml

To use an orchestrator-level migration approach, run the following commands additionally:

kubectl apply ssu-crd.yml
kubectl apply ssu.yml


Creating containerized service

Firstly, the service developers need to decide the appropriate migration approach for their service.

Orchestrator-level migration approach

In this approach, the service can be deployed without any further changes in the configuration.

Service-level migration approach

In this approach, the service needs to be built from provided fastfreeze-base image (available here). Then, the migration-interface: 'ff' needs to be set in the annotations of the pod. Below is an example of deploying example service memhogff for using service-level migration approach.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: memhog
    migration-interface: 'ff'
  serviceAccountName: migration-coordinator
    - name: memhog
      image: ghcr.io/hpcclab/nims/memhogff:main

The following environment variables can be configured in fastfreeze-base image:

  • CRIU_OPTS (default: -v0) specify additional options for CRIU checkpoint/restore commands.

Container-level migration approach

In this approach, the migration-interface: 'dind' or migration-interface: 'pind' needs to be set in the annotations of the pod. Below is an example of deploying example service memhog for using container-level migration approach with Docker-in-Docker runtime.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: memhog
    migration-interface: 'dind'
  serviceAccountName: migration-coordinator
    - name: memhog
      image: ghcr.io/hpcclab/nims/memhog:main


POST /migrate at the source cluster with following request body

    "name": "CONTAINER_NAME",
    "namespace": "CONTAINER_NAMESPACE",
    "destinationUrl": "DESTINATION_URL",
    "keep": "true",