
This is the official repository of F. M. Nardini, C. Rulli, S. Trani, R. Venturini, "Distilled Neural Networks for Efficient Learning to Rank". IEEE TKDE. 2022.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is the official repository of F. M. Nardini, C. Rulli, S. Trani, R. Venturini, "Distilled Neural Networks for Efficient Learning to Rank". IEEE TKDE. 2022


This code has been tested with python 3.7 and PyTorch 1.6. In this PyTorch version, there was not a native way to implement pruning, so we rely on the distiller library. This amy cause some difficultier during the installation as Distiller's dependencies are now broken. To install distiller, clone its repository, type cd distiller and then comment the following dependencies in requirements.txt.

  • torch
  • tensorflow
  • pretrainedmodels

To install the other dependencies, simply type

pip install -r requirements

Download Dataset

Download link for the datasets:

On MSN30K, experiments will be conducted on Fold1 by defaut.

Training a model

The script train.py allows to train a model by distillation from a pre-trained ensemble of regression trees. We provide the tree-based models, thus you do not have to it on your own. The pre-trained model for MSN30k is avaialble in this repo (LM600_msn.txt). The model for I-stella is avaialble here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/b5fo04eoczu4qe0/AADkTvvrYWLZq3rYoBVo-NaJa?dl=0.


python train.py --help

to see all the training options.


python train.py --dataset-name msn30k --original-model LM600_msn --original-model-path msn30k_256leaves_ensemble.xml --name sample_model

Inside the folder logs you will find a subfolder named "sample_model" that contains the logs file.

Compressing a model

Once that you have trained a neural model, you can compress it using the distiller_compression.py script. Here, you shall pass the path to the pretrained model by using the option --pretained-model and the path to the .yaml file containing the instructions to compress. An example of the latter is provided.


python distiller_compression.py --dataset-name msn30k --original-model LM600_msn --original-model-path msn30k_256leaves_ensemble.xml --name sample_compression --compress compress_MLP.yaml