
Ansible playbook to install percona MySQL server

Ansible Role: Percona

Ansible playbook to install Percona XtraDB MySQL Cluster on Debian/Ubuntu servers



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below with its default values.

mysql_root_password: reallylongpassword

percona_package: percona-xtradb-cluster-56

Define the MySQL root password, this password will be used to create a /root/.my.cnf to allow root mysql connections without password

mysql_port: 3306

Define port and bind address for MySQL connections

mysql_max_allowed_packet: 16M
mysql_key_buffer: 16M
mysql_thread_stack: 192K
mysql_cache_size: 8

Various other settings are available in defaults/main.yml

Cluster configuration

If using a cluster define at least wsrep_cluster_name and wsrep_cluster_hosts(a list of hosts) and optionally other settings:

wsrep_slave_threads: 2 wsrep_sst_method: rsync

Additionally one node should be set with percona_master_node to true. This is because a percona cluster must be started with the bootsrap-pxc command on its first start. The percona_master_node will attempt to start with the bootstrap when its package is installed and should be the first node in a cluster to run.

These are optional variables that default to undefined

wsrep_node_name wsrep_notify_cmd wsrep_sst_receive_address wsrep_sst_auth

SSL Configuration

The role can be setup to enable ssl for mysql. SSL for intra cluster communication is not yet implemented, more information on that configuration is available here

If mysql_ssl_key is defined then ssl is enabled and all of the below ssl variables need to be defined.

  • mysql_ssl_ca
  • mysql_ssl_cert
  • mysql_ssl_key

Optionally to copy in the appropriate certs define these variables

  • mysql_ssl_ca_src
  • mysql_ssl_cert_src
  • mysql_ssl_key_src



Example Playbook

- hosts: all
  sudo: true
	  - tkuhlman.percona
