Checksum plays a key role in the TCP/IP headers. In this repo you'll find a efficient FPGA-based solution for a 512-bit AXI4-Stream interface.
- alfredososa
- carlosvegaLuxembourg Institute of Health
- dmuelasrBBVA Data & Analytics
- dperdicesUniversidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)
- forconesiComputer Laboratory University of Cambridge
- gjulianm@DataDog
- gustandilUAM
- javier-ramos
- jfzazo
- jhcloos
- mariodruiz@AMD
- ralequiNaudit HPCN S.L.
- slbuedoUniversidad Autonoma de Madrid
- UAreNotFish
- vmorenomUniversidad Autonoma de Madrid