##SocialPost - Get Paid for Quality Social Media Posts
node.js truffle testrpc metamask
Tmux is your best bet.
Window 1 $ npm install
Window 2 $ ./starttestrpc.sh
Window 3 $ truffle migrate --reset
Browser Set Metamask to "Localhost 8545". Import accounts defined in your testrpc Ethereum node.
Private keys to import:
- 0x351494a5ae8f9b70a2a2fd482146ab4578f61d4d796685c597ec6683635a940e
Account 1
- 0x4cd491f96e6623edb52719a8d4d1110a87d8d83e3fa86f8e14007cb3831c0a2b
Account 2
- 0x0ef40e0d6ada046010b6965d73603cabae1a119ca804f5d9e9a9ce866b0bea7d
You can name these accounts anything you want. First account is the coinbase account.
$ npm run dev URL: http://localhost:3000
Change to Account 1 that you imported in Metamask
Submit a post that will be worthy of a tip from another user's account (You will be required to pay a small fee, but if you get tipped, you will recoup and earn ETH). If your article receives a tip, it will be visible permanently in the "View Tipped Articles" tab with the tipper's wallest address.
#based off github.com/Chainskills