
OOVM language

Primary LanguageC

Part I - Library For Object-Oriented VM

VM model





Instance stack

Frame stack

Operating with C

Built-in classes






Part II - Compiler for Object-oriented Language



  • Minimal
    • Keep language simple
  • Consistent
    • Everything is an object


  • Syntax: C, simplified a bit, with additions
    • Assignments are statements, not expressions
    • "if", "while", "for", etc. require block with curly braces
    • "return" requires expression in parentheses
    • Additional keywords begin with '@', e,g. "@class", "@method"



// Yes, of course there are comments

@class Start
    @classmethod start(cls)
        "Hello, world!\n".print();


  • oovm.[ch]: source for VM
  • .libs/liboovm.so: VM runtime
  • .libs/liboovmmodule.so: compiled module module
  • ovmc1, ovmc[2-5].py: Source code compiler
  • oovm: Executable to load initial module, and run initial method
  • *.c, *.ovm: Module source

How to build basic system

  1. make all

How to build and run a new module

  1. Create module source file, eg. module.ovm
  2. Build module, e.g. ovmc module.ovm; resulting shared lib is in .libs subdirectory
  3. Run module, e.g. oovm module[.class[.method]] [arg ...]
    • class and method default to "Start" and "start", respectively

Environment variable OVM_MODULE_PATH must include location(s) for libraries for required modules, liboovmmodule.so


System exceptions


A method was given an invalid value, usually of the wrong type. The attribute inst contains the offending instance.


A call was made for a method that is not defined. The following attributes describe the offending method call:

  • receiver contains the method receiver
  • selector contains the method selector


An attempt was made to read a non-existent variable from a namespace, or the environment. The attribute name contains the name of the offending variable.


A method was called with the incorrect number of arguments. The following attributes describe the offending metho call:

  • expected contains the number arguments the method expected, when the method expects a fixed number of arguments
  • minimum contains the minimum number arguments the method expected, when the method expects a variable number of arguments
  • maximum contains the minimum number arguments the method expected, when the method expects a variable number of arguments
  • got contains the number of arguments the method was called with


An attribute read for an object failed, because the given object does not have the given attribute. The following attributes of the exception describe the offending access:

  • instance is the object for which the access was made
  • attribute is the requested attribute for the object


An attempt was made to access an array or slice outside its bounds. The following attributes of the exception describe the offending access:

  • instance is the array or slice being accessed
  • index is the starting index
  • length is the number of items; only provided if it is > 1


An attempt was made to look up a key in a dictionary, and the key is not present in the dictionary. The following attributes of the exception describe the offending access:

  • instance is the dictionary being accessed
  • key is the offending key


An attempt was made to modify a constant entry (a entry where key begins with '#' character) in a dictionary. The following attributes of the exception describe the offending access:

  • instance is the dictionary being accessed
  • key is the offending key


Opening a file failed. The following attributes of the exception describe the offending access:

  • filename is the name of the file
  • mode is the file access mode
  • errno is the error code returned by fopen(3)
  • message is a strerror_r(3)-style error message for the failure


Loading a module failed.

  • name is the name of the module
  • message is a message describing the failure


  • All classes are instances of the metaclas #Metaclass
  • The parent relationship between classes is used for method search order
    • When searching for method M for an instance of class C,
      • Look in the method directory for class C
      • If not found, look in method directory of parent of C
      • Repeat moving up parents until found, stopping at #Object class, which has no parent
    • Similar process for instances that are classes, i.e. instances of #Metaclass; search uses classmethod directry for each searched class


Class methodies

new(ns, name, parent)
Create a new class, which will have the given name, be entered into the given namespace, and have the given class as its parent.

at(self, name)
Return the <key, value> pair for the given class variable, or #nil if the class variable is not defined.

ate(self, name) Return the value for the given class variable; raise an exception of type

Instance methodies


@class #Object { // Allocate storage for instance @classmethod alloc();

// Initialize an instance
@method __init__(arg, ...);

// Create a new instance
// The class' __alloc__() method is called, to allocate storage for the
// instance, and then the __init__() method is called for the new instance,
// passing the arguments given to new().
@classmethod new(arg, ...);

// Return #false if receiver is #nil, else return #true
@method Boolean();

// Return a list of pairs, of all members of the object
@method List();




  • Nested functions - FIXED

To do

  • Array args - DONE

  • Namepsace support - DONE

  • Optimization -O2 causes crash (!) - DONE

  • Parsing strings into objects - DONE

  • Global (module-level) functions - already supported

    • Assignment to module variable, of anonymous function
  • VM instructions - DONE

  • Optimize forward references in VM - DONE

  • Complete test suite

  • Performace

    • Inline everything except method calls
  • Minor code-generation optimizations

    • Jumps to jumps
    • Straight-line, non-iterated code need not pre-allocate locals
  • More string formatting features: field width, justification, etc.

  • Syntactic sugar for setting global (i.e. module-level) variables

  • Static builds

  • Use autoconfig / automake

  • Registers

    • Registers can hold values across statements, i.e. caching values instead of repeatedly evaluating expressions/statements
    • Compiler must track and re-use register contents