Welcome to Hermes3D! ==================== Hermes3D is a C++ library for rapid prototyping of adaptive hp-FEM solvers for 3D problems. The usage of Hermes3D is very similar to Hermes2D, and thus it is recommend to get familiar with Hermes2D first. Also the User Documentation of Hermes3D concentrates on things that are different from Hermes2D. License ======= Hermes3D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Hermes2D; If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Copyright ========= Copyright (c) 2009 hp-FEM group at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR). Email: hpfem@unr.edu, home page: http://hpfem.org/. Download and Installation ========================= Installation instructions for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows Cygwin can be found in the Sphinx documentation at http://hpfem.org/hermes3d/doc/index.html. Documentation ============= Generating and Viewing User Documentation Offline (Linux) --------------------------------------------------------- Source files of the (Sphinx) user documentation are in the directory doc/. In order to compile the user documentation, you need to install Sphinx. Then follow these steps: cd doc make html firefox _build/html Generating and Viewing Developer Documentation Offline (Linux) -------------------------------------------------------------- Source files of the (Doxygen) developer documentation are in the directory doc.cpp/. In order to build them you need to install Doxygen. Then do: cd doc.cpp/ doxygen hermes3d.lib-real.doxyfile doxygen hermes3d.lib-cplx.doxyfile This will generate documentation for the real and complex version of the library, respectively. To view the docs, type firefox h3d-real/html/index.html firefox h3d-cplx/html/index.html Compilation =========== $ cmake . $ make If you have cmake text-based UI installed, you can do: $ ccmake . press C customize your build press C press G $ make Hermes3D build configuration scripts will look for required libraries on default include and system paths. If you packages are installed elsewhere, you need to specify their paths. Consult either online documetation (http://hpfem.org/hermes3d/doc/install.html) or cmake/FindXYX.cmake files for exact names. These values have to be put into CMake.var file located in your build directory. Intel C Compiler ================ To use Intel C compiler $ export CC=/path/to/icc $ export CXX=/path/to/icpc $ cmake . $ make NOTE: version 10.0.026 did not work for me (some compatibility issues with STL), 10.1.022 works ok Tests ===== To enable tests, say 'set(WITH_TESTS YES)' in your CMake.vars. To run the tests, type: $ make test To run quick tests, type: $ make test-quick Note: To run developer tests, say 'set(DEV_TESTS YES)' in CMake.vars. This is needed to run only if the lowest internals are changed. Developers test suite includes hundreds of tests for hanging nodes. These will run for several hours in case of H1 space, Hcurl ones take days. These test do not have to be run every time. Examples ======== To build examples, type (supposed you enabled examples during the configuration): $ make examples To get output files that can be viewed in a visualizer, you need to say: set(OUTPUT_DIR /path/where/the/files/will/be/stored) To view the files: # gmsh my-file.gmsh (for gmsh) # paraview --data=my-file.vtk (for VTK) Debugging ========= If you need to debug the build, use: cmake -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON . Then the make will print the exact commands that are executed.