
Demo Repository for my DevBcn 2023 Talk "A Monolith on the Dissecting Table: The Strangler Fig Pattern in Action"

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Strangler Fig Pattern Demo @ DevBcn 🇪🇸 2023

0. Prerequisite

This demo scenario for showcasing the strangler fig pattern requires access to a Kubernetes cluster. In case you neither have any locally available k8s environment on your development machine (e.g. minikube) nor a Kubernetes cluster playground at your disposal you can can claim your personal, managed OpenShift Developer Sandbox free of charge for 30 days.

1. Login to k8s / configure kubectl

Make sure to login / authenticate to the Kubernetes cluster you want to use for running this demo scenario. Also verify that your kubectl is properly configured and points to the cluster in question.

2. Run the demo scenario

2.1 basic example

Check that you are on the basic-example branch of this repository. If not, run git checkout basic-example to switch to this particular branch.

In the root directory you find a bash script which run-sfp-demo.sh. Run this script to execute all the demo steps one by one.

2.1 enhanced example

Check that you are on the enhanced-example branch of this repository. If not, run git checkout enhanced-example to switch to this particular branch.

In the root directory you find a bash script which run-sfp-demo.sh. Run this script to execute all the demo steps one by one.