[Updated June 2016]
Static and dynamic network visualization with R - new code and tutorial from my Polnet 2016 workshop.
The examples use packages igraph, network, visNetwork, and ndtv, among others.
Network visualization with RKatherine Ognyanova, Rutgers University
PolNet 2016, St. Louis, MO
This workshop covers network visualization using the R language for statistical computing (cran.r-project.org) and RStudio (rstudio.com). Participants should have some prior knowledge of R and network concepts. The session will provide a brief overview of network formats, focusing on their structure and representation in key R packages. Attendees will also receive an introduction to major principles of graphics used in the R environment.
The workshop will provide a step-by-step guide describing (through series of examples) the path from raw data to graph visualization in the igraph and Statnet frameworks. The advanced portion of the workshop will touch on dynamic visualization for longitudinal networks and combining networks with geographic maps. We will also discuss ways of converting graphs in R to interactive JavaScript/d3-based visualizations for the Web.