a society website about gundam created by django
- account
- registration
- login/logout
- change password
- change user information
- upload photo
- follow/unfollow a user
- display user page
- password reset with email
- article
- post article
- display an article
- like an article
- comment an article/reply to a comment
- check full chat of comments
- mark article with tags
- get article list from tags
- my favorite
- create/delete favorite folders
- add/remove an article to/from favorite folders
- search article using key word
- notification
- create notification when:
- somebody follow/unfollow you
- somebody comment your article
- somebody reply to your comment
- your followee post an article
- mark notification read if it's clicked.
- display notification in category
- create notification when:
- restful api
not implemented
- account
- email validation
- add mq for email
- article
- notification
- redis support
- i18n