Primary LanguagePython


An Ensemble Finite Element Cardiovascular Solver

To build with cython use

python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace

Scripts to run the solver through the Notre Dame CRC

To run the fluid solver on multiple CPUs use

qsub CPUCVFES_Fluid.script

To run the structural solver on multiple CPUs use

qsub CPUCVFES_Solid.script

To run the structural solver on multiple GPUs use

qsub GPUCVFES_Solid.script

Required modules

To run CVFES the following modules are required:

  • parmetismodule. An in-house Python wrapper for Parmetis can be found at https://github.com/melindalx/parmetismodule (need gcc, mpich, mpi4py, parmetis&metis libs).
  • VTK libraries.
  • Python modules: configobj, mpi4py (use "pip install --user xxx" to install these modules).