
C++ implementation of random forests

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

random forests

C++ implementation of random forests
详细说明请前往CSDN Random Forests C++实现:细节,使用与实验

  1. 适用于分类和回归,支持回归的多维输出(multi-target regression)
  2. 支持3种随机性
  3. off-the-shelf,即插即用
  4. 支持variable importance evaluation
  5. 可保存训练完成的模型至本地 (XML格式,可读性强),也可读取本地模型进行预测*




#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

#include "RandomCLoquatForests.h"
#include "UserInteraction2.h"

int main()
	// read training samples if necessary
	char filename[500] = "./DataSet/Classification/pendigits.tra";
	float** data = NULL;
	int* label = NULL;
	Dataset_info_C datainfo;
	InitalClassificationDataMatrixFormFile2(filename, data/*OUT*/, label/*OUT*/, datainfo/*OUT*/);
	// setting random forests parameters
	RandomCForests_info rfinfo;
	rfinfo.datainfo = datainfo;
	rfinfo.maxdepth = 40;
	rfinfo.ntrees = 500;
	rfinfo.mvariables = (int)sqrtf(datainfo.variables_num);
	rfinfo.minsamplessplit = 5;
	rfinfo.randomness = 1;
	// train forest
	LoquatCForest* loquatCForest = NULL;
	TrainRandomForestClassifier(data, label, rfinfo, loquatCForest /*OUT*/, 50);
	float error_rate = 1.f;
	OOBErrorEstimate(data, label, loquatCForest, error_rate /*OUT*/);
	// save RF model, 0:xml, 1:plain text
	SaveRandomClassificationForestModel("Modelfile.xml", loquatCForest, 0);
	// clear the memory allocated for the entire forest
	// release money: data, label
	for (int i = 0; i < datainfo.samples_num; i++)
   		delete[] data[i];
	delete[] data;
	delete[] label;
	return 0;


#include "RandomRLoquatForests.h"
#include "UserInteraction2.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
	// read training samples if necessary 
	char filename[500] = "./DataSet/Regression/Housing_Data_Set-R.txt"; 
	float** data = NULL;
	float* target = NULL;
	Dataset_info_R datainfo;
	InitalRegressionDataMatrixFormFile2(filename, data /*OUT*/, target /*OUT*/, datainfo /*OUT*/);
	// setting random forests parameters
	RandomRForests_info rfinfo;
	rfinfo.datainfo = datainfo;
	rfinfo.maxdepth = 40;
	rfinfo.ntrees = 200;
	rfinfo.mvariables = (int)(datainfo.variables_num_x / 3.0 + 0.5); 
	rfinfo.minsamplessplit = 5;
	rfinfo.randomness = 1; 
	// train forest
	LoquatRForest* loquatRForest = NULL;
	TrainRandomForestRegressor(data, target, rfinfo, loquatRForest /*OUT*/, false, 20);
	float* mean_squared_error = NULL;
	MSEOnOutOfBagSamples(data, target, loquatRForest, mean_squared_error /*OUT*/);
	delete[] mean_squared_error;
	// save RF model, 0:xml, 1:plain text
	SaveRandomRegressionForestModel("testModelfile-R.xml", loquatRForest, 0);
	// clear the memory
	// release money: data, target
	for (int i = 0; i < datainfo.samples_num; i++)
		   delete[] data[i];
	delete[] data;
	delete[] target;
	return 0;


  • 以上代码仅为主干,实际使用需对函数返回值进行判断。
  • RF结构体对象loquatForest的内存由TrainRandomForestClassifier /TrainRandomForestRegressor 负责分配,由ReleaseClassificationForest /ReleaseRegressionForest 释放内存,用户无需对其分配或者释放
  • OOBErrorEstimate 计算out-of-bag分类错误率,输入参数data, label必须与训练时相同,MSEOnOutOfBagSamples类同
  • InitalClassificationDataMatrixFormFile2/InitalRegressionDataMatrixFormFile2 从本地文件读取数据集。也可以自行准备训练数据,就可以不调用上述函数。



名称 分类/回归 来源 样本数 特征数 类别数
chess-krvk classification UCI 28056 6 18
Gisette classification UCI 6000/1000 5000 2
ionosphere classification UCI 351 34 2
mnist classification libsvm 60000/10000 780 10
MAGIC_Gamma_Telescope classification UCI 19020 10 2
pendigits classification UCI 7494/3498 16 10
spambase classification UCI 4601 57 2
Sensorless_drive_diagnosis classification UCI 58509 48 11
Smartphone Human Activity Recognition classification UCI 4242 561 6
waveform classification UCI 5000 40 3
satimage classification UCI 6435 36 6
abalone regression UCI 4177 8 ——
airfoil_self_noise regression UCI 1503 5 ——
Bike-Sharing1 regression UCI 17379 14 ——
Combined_Cycle_Power_Plant regression UCI 9568 4 ——
elevators regression openml 16599 18 ——
Housing regression kaggle 506 13 ——
Parkinsons_Telemonitoring2 regression UCI 5875 19 ——
Superconductivty regression UCI 21263 81 ——
YearPredictionMSD regression Million Song Dataset/
515345 90 ——
  1. Bike-Sharing: 原数据集去掉第1、2列
  2. Parkinsons_Telemonitoring: 预测输出(output)是2维的。将原数据集第1列(subject number)去掉,UCI网站上记录“Number of Attributes:26”但根据下载的数据集只有22维(包括2维output)

        下一小节表格中“参数”列为 [TreesNum, SplitVariables, MaxDepth, MinSamplesSplit] (randomness均为1,即经典RF)。实验并没有对参数进行调优,而是根据经验选取了个人认为比较合理的参数组合。实验目的一方面是为了验证算法实现的正确性,另一方面也想说明RF对参数敏感度较低(相比SVM)。

        如果没有特殊说明,分类和回归问题的实验结果分别通过out-of-bag分类错误率(%)和out-of-bag 均方误差(Mean Square Error (MSE))来统计,结果运行10次取平均和标准差。可以看到,大多数数据集都采用了默认的参数,也能达到较理想效果。

数据集 参数 oob error(%)/mse 分类/回归
chess-krvk [500, 2*, 40, 5] 16.46636±0.07493 C
Gisette [200, 70*, 40, 5] 2.932105±0.10090(oob)
3.010±0.13333(test set)
ionosphere [200, 5*, 40, 5] 6.325±0.213 C
mnist [200, 27*, 40, 5] 3.307166±0.02863 C
MAGIC_Gamma_Telescope [200, 3*, 40, 5] 11.8559±0.04347 C
pendigits [200, 4*, 40, 5] 0.880822±0.03428(oob)
3.670668±0.049843(test set)
spambase [200, 7*, 40, 5] 4.514335±0.10331 C
satimage [500, 6*, 40, 5] 8.102018±0.057777 C
Sensorless_drive_diagnosis [200, 6*, 40, 5] 0.1468151±0.005843 C
Smartphone Human Activity Recognition [200, 23*, 40, 5] 7.39415±0.1159 C
waveform [500, 6*, 40, 5] 14.70493±0.19792 C
abalone [500, 3#, 40, 5] 4.58272±0.008826 R
airfoil_self_noise [200, 2/5, 40, 5] 3.83345±0.034283 R
Bike-Sharing [500, 5#, 40, 5] 29.7227±0.84333 R
Combined_Cycle_Power_Plant [200, 2/4, 40, 5] 9.94693±0.031153 R
elevators [200, 10/18, 40, 5] 7.1859E-06±3.15264E-08 R
Housing [200, 4#, 40, 5] 10.077±0.1923 R
Parkinsons_Telemonitoring3 [200,19,40,5] [1.437, 2.523]±[0.01706, 0.03033] R
Superconductivty [200, 27#, 40, 5] 81.4527±0.2781 R
YearPredictionMSD [100, 30#, 40, 50] 83.1219±0.05236 R

*: 表示使用分类森林默认的$\sqrt{variable_num}$作为SplitVariables参数;
#:表示使用回归森林默认的​​$\frac {variable_num_x}3$作为SplitVariables参数


        通常RF在默认参数设定下也能取得较理想的效果,通过对参数(见2.2节)调优可以获得更佳的分类/回归效果。一般可以对TreesNum和SplitVariables进行调优。通常认为增加TreesNum会使泛化误差下降(当然也有特例)。如下图,展示了随着树增加,oob error呈现下降的趋势。 在这里插入图片描述

        SplitVariables是控制RF随机性的主要参数,当它增加时树之间的关联性也随之增加,而关联性增加会导致分类/回归误差提高[2]。从可调性(Tunability)角度考虑,调节SplitVariables对性能提升的贡献是最大的。而SplitVariables选择默认设定时,通常也能取得不错的效果。下图为pendigits数据集上,不同SplitVariables(样本为16维,TreesNum=500)参数下的分类oob error。 在这里插入图片描述

        特征重要性(variable importance)的评估是RF“自带”的一个特性。采用oob数据的特征随机交换的方法来估计特征重要性。对于数据集"waveform",结果如下图所示,可见后一半特征的重要性几乎为0,这是因为waveform的后19维特征是随机噪声,因此variable importance计算结果符合上述情况。 在这里插入图片描述