This role provides a bare Pacemaker&Corosync stack installation on Debian (squeeze/wheeze) systems. Memberships betwean cluster members are provided by the role as well.
The role was tested using Ansible 1.5 and higher. Corosync's keys should be stored in Ansible's Vault so anything below 1.5 will not work. There are no other dependencies.
Role Variables
This role requires:
crm_corosync_key - this mandatory variable stores base64 encoded cluster key. It should be stored in Ansible-vault encrypted file.
crm_cluster_members - this is a mandatory parameter defining the list of IPs of cluster members.
It is stronly advised to assign the list of members of host's main group to crm_cluster_members (either via 'vars:' stanza or direclty - by modyfing the template. Corosync does not handle well assymetric memberships.
In order to do it one will have to resolve inventory hostname to IP addresses directly in the template. This can be done using one of the lookup plugins freely available on the Internet.
Plese see Example Playbook section for details.
This role may be used on its own provided that the user configures the cluster resources manually. In case when full automation is desired, crm_cluster role also needs to be used.
Example Playbook
Applying the role is straightforward:
- hosts: cluster_hosts
crm_cluster_members: ""{{ groups['cluster_hosts'] }}"
- crm_base
Copyright 2014 sp. z o.o.
Copyright 2014 Pawel Rozlach
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this role except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Author Information
This role has been created by Pawel Rozlach during the work time and spare time at and then opensourced by the company.
The check_crm_v0_7 nrpe plugin has its own licensing and author information. Please see the file contents for details.