
Vivado using

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi I tried to use Vivado to run one of the test benches.
I don't know the order of design sources, and when I run them, I get so many errors for each sources


sorry for the late reply, there are a few issues but mostly minor ones that we're planning to address later. Can you be a bit more specific? Also, please refer to the Wiki and see if the instructions there are helpful.

Hopefully I can be of help.

Thank you so much for your reply.
When I tried to run synthesis I got some errors for example one of them is [Synth 8-448] named port connection 'ck_c' does not exist for instance 'WrappedDIMMi' of module 'DIMM'

Thanks, I'll look into it! We updated the differential pairs to use the name _cn (complement or negative) and _tp (true or positive) and probably forgot to rename it in one of the files. There is also a missing interface so synthesis to hardware won't work for now - we'll work on that interface and release it when ready.
In the meantime, please try simulating of the DIMM testbenches and see if it can be of help for your work.