
the C++ simulator and portion of the controls project

Primary LanguageC

The C++ Project Readme

This is the readme for the C++ project.

For easy navigation throughout this document, here is an outline:

Intro Senaorio

Tune the parameter Mass in QuadControlParams.txt.

Mass = 0.5

Senario 1:



Body Rate Control & Roll Pitch Control & Thrust Calculation

Body rate controller is a first order system and thus a P controller. I calculated the error between commanded body rate and the actual rate, then tune the parameter kpPQR to turn the body back to the correct position. Code is implemented in GenerateMotorCommands and BodyRateControl. GenerateMotorCommands converts commanded moments to four thrust forces. Below is the equations I used to get the forces.

    // The distance L is the distance from the center of the quad to one of the rotors.
    // The l is a distance between x-axis and propeller location. l is equal to half of the distance between neighboring propellers at 45° relative to each axis.
    // F1, F2, F3, F4 for individual thurst command for the front (left,right) and rear (left,right) motors.
    float l = L / sqrtf(2.f);
    float F_tau_x = momentCmd.x / l; // F1 - F2 + F3 - F4
    float F_tau_y = momentCmd.y / l; // F1 + F2 - F3 - F4
    float F_tau_z = -momentCmd.z / kappa; // F1 - F2 - F3 + F4
    // collThrustCmd F1 + F2 + F3 + F4
    float F1 = (collThrustCmd + F_tau_x + F_tau_y + F_tau_z) / 4.f;
    float F2 = (collThrustCmd - F_tau_x + F_tau_y - F_tau_z) / 4.f;
    float F3 = (collThrustCmd + F_tau_x - F_tau_y - F_tau_z) / 4.f;
    float F4 = (collThrustCmd - F_tau_x - F_tau_y + F_tau_z) / 4.f;

After this is done, I implemented the RollPitchControl. The third column of the rotation matrix R will be used to convert the inertial-frame acceleration to world-frame acceleration. A P controller was applied to R13 and R23.

Parameters to tune: kpPQR amd kpBank.

Before tuning the parameter, the drone just flipped to the ground. I gradually increase the value and finally got a set of parameter that makes the drone to satisfy the scenario 2.

kpPQR = 30, 30, 6

kpBank = 17

Below is the movie for scenario 2.



Altitude Control & Lateral Position Control & Yaw Control

Altitude controller is a PD controller to control the acceleration. The acceleration comes from the thrust which is already implemented in GenerateMotorCommands. Lateral position controller is a PID controller to control acceleration on x and y. Yaw controller is a simple P controller and the angle is constrained within -pi and pi.

Code is implemented in LateralPositionControl, AltitudeControl and YawControl.

Parameters to tune: kpYaw, kpPosXY, kpVelXY, kpPosZ and kpVelZ. They were initially set to 0, then I tuned them from altitude controller to the yaw controller.

kpYaw = 2

kpPosXY = 27

kpPosZ = 20

kpVelXY = 12

kpVelZ = 9

Below is the video.



For scenario 3, the altitude controller is simply a PD controller, but to make it more robust (scenario 4) to account for non-ideality (e.g., wrong mass perceived by the controller), an integral part is added and so the controller is upgraded to a PID controller.



Tracking Trajectories

Now everything is implemented. For scenario 5, the drone is tested on a trajectory.

