Backend Challenge API

Tech Stack: Node.js, Typescript, Nest.js, PostgreSQL


  • Node v16.13.2 or higher
  • Docker and docker compose

Run Application Locally

$ git clone
$ npm install
$ docker compose up
this will start postgres and adminer on local containers
adminer is lighwheight DBMS that runs on browser
-> access adminer on your localhost:8080

* server: db
* username: pgsql
* password: pgsql
* leave the database field empty
(you may change these values on docker-compose.yml following your preferences)

-> create a database with the name of your preference and leave it empty
-> create a .env file on project root following .env.example model and fill
the placeholders with the same values above
$ npm run start:dev

API Docs

[Swagger] http://localhost:300/api-docs


# unit tests
$ npm run test

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov

Linter and formatting

# find problems
$ npm run lint

# find and fix problems automatically
$ npm run lint:fix

# format code
$ npm run format

Folder Structure

> src
  > core                            (files that are used all over the API)
     > error                        (files to do the error handling and format API errors)
     > request-interceptor          (Nest.js interceptor to catch errors and do API logging)
     > api-validation.pipe.ts       (Nest.js pipe to validate DTOs)
     > swagger-response.ts          (abstraction to add and reuse swagger responses)

  > modules

  > typings             (contains all the API typings)

  > test
    > integration      (integration tests mocking the database)
    > mocks            (mocks used all over the tests using builder pattern)
    > unit             (unit tests)