

To examine the uptake of Carbon NanoTube (CNT) lipid sensors in coral colonies and cells

To compare the CNT lipid sensor to traditional lipid quantification methods

To quantify lipids in live corals under thermal stress


Produce reliable data on the uptake and longevity of Carbon NanoTube (CNT) lipid sensors in Astrangia colonies and cells

Develop strategy to mitigate autofluorescence under microscope

Examine intracellular lipid content in Astrangia through tissue extractions

Compare the uptake and longevity of Carbon NanoTube (CNT) lipid sensors in different species of coral colonies and cells

Quantify lipids in live corals under thermal stress, and base a proposal on this

Compare the CNT lipid sensor to traditional lipid quantification methods

Test for possible toxicity of CNTs

Test lipid content of bailing out polyp micropropagules through settlement (Pocillopora is the most reliable for now) (if possible)

Test Astrangia larvae through settlement (if possible)


M. Gravely
A. Thorson
H. Putnam
D. Roxbury
H. Reich

Target Species:

Astrangia poculata, Pocillopora acuta, Montipora capitata

CNT References:

Jena et al 2017
Gravely and Roxbury 2021