
HQ Frontend take home challenge

HQ Frontend Challenge

HQ Frontend take home challenge

Design (Figma file): https://www.figma.com/file/TcZB6BRNWWWQhOZzHlWd9d/HQ-Challenge?node-id=0%3A1&t=mtBkL0e2afBX5SPS-1


HQ will provide you with a design mockup file, and we'll need you to build those as close as possible. You'll also need to implement basic responsive using your judgment.

Please replace in the code the font indicated in the Figma file with the Roboto from Google: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto

How to work on this challenge

  1. Create a public repository.
  2. Work locally.
  3. Push your changes to your public repository.
  4. Deploy your changes to your favorite hosting solution.
  5. Share your public repository and preview link.

We'll evaluate the following:

  • Semantic HTML.
  • Code as close as possible to pixel perfect.
  • We'll run your code into PageSpeed.
  • How clean and organized your code is.


  • We expect you to take around 4 hours but do not worry about time. We can understand if you don’t complete every single piece in the design, if what you deliver is very good quality.
  • You can choose any technology stack to implement this assignment. We will consider exclusively the quality of your project (technology and product-wise) to evaluate your work.
  • We are not expecting to get a 100 on the PageSpeed score. However, we do expect some considerations to get at least a 50.
  • We expect some essential documentation if your code can be run locally.